It has been cold here but remember when they post Moab temperatures, they are using the airport which is 16 miles North of Moab and super exposed. We're usually a bit warmer here.
The 5's and 6's of the early morning have turned to the high 20's by mid day. Now this isn't warm but it's do-able if you have an enclosed rig.
Hurrah Pass would probably be okay. The Kane Creek road was easily passable although we did turn in the hubs due to it being icy.
A couple of rigs in our club went out to the Metal Masher area and found the main trail passable too although there was a fair amount of snow. No way for Rock Chucker, Widowmaker so I'm guessing you could get by in that area too.
If you wheel alone out here, make sure you let someone know where you're going. As you can see from our winter reports, trails are fun but the need for recovery help is fairly common.
You are more than welcome to join us. We'll see you at the cinema on Saturday at 10:00am (we moved the time by 1 hour). If we can't get on P.S., we'll find something else to do! It is, after all, the first trail of the year!