Newer Tacoma Help.

If I can find the number I got a guy in my neighborhood that apparently had a misfortunate motorcycle accidentand no longer rides and drives. he has a 06 I believe TRD with very, very low miles on it, tow package and an ARB bumper with winch already on it. I know his wife said he wanta to sell it but he does not advertise it. I was going to inquire into a price ubtil I realized how close I would most likely be to a new one anyway, but that is presuming he wants blue book. BTW, just got back from running in the dirt in the Vernal and Dinsoaur Colorado area and was getting 23 mph with the back end fully loaded auto 6 speed. Rode like a dream...that might not be saying much comparing it to my pogo stick LJ.
My only advise Is to get an auto in the early years of production. the bell housings would be worn by the throw out bearing and cause a squeaking sound. only proper fix is to replace the bell housing (which you have to diss-assemble the trans to do) not a huge problem, just something I would avoid.