Steve, one of the reasons I'm sticking w/ a DD/crawler and not a tow rig is just what Rot Box said....It's so fun to drive my 'runner around, and there's something about being able to drive it to the trail, run the trail, camp at the top of the trail, run the trail backwards the next day, and drive home. Do I have to be just a little more careful on the trail?? Sure, but I"m trying to build mine so I can bash on it a little and come out alive. I had trailer queens before, and I had a blast with them, but I realized that since they were always trailered home, I not only broke more stuff, making the sport cost me more $$, but I let the maintenance on some stuff go, which caused more breakage on the trail which equaled, for me at least, less time on the trail than I could have had and more time fixing stupid stuff. Since I DD my 'runner, I'll always keep up on the maintenance, and take it just a little easier on the trail, and in the long run, although my tires will wear a bit quicker, the rest of the rig will last longer, and be straight for a lot longer, and cost me a lot less $$ in the long run!! Just something to think about!