Nother' computer problem?


Sandy, Ut
Every once in a while my windows explorer browser crashes, I get an error that reads like this:

"An error reading instruction at 0x300b3126..... reference memory at 0x300b3126 could not be found"

I tried a couple google searches... Nothing?

It happens alot when I open my pictures folder.. it gets 1/2 way opened and then this failure pops up.

Comp: Dell Laptop, Intel Centrino, Windows XP...

Any ideas?


Registered User
cruiseroutfit said:
Every once in a while my windows explorer browser crashes, I get an error that reads like this:

"An error reading instruction at 0x300b3126..... reference memory at 0x300b3126 could not be found"

I tried a couple google searches... Nothing?

It happens alot when I open my pictures folder.. it gets 1/2 way opened and then this failure pops up.

Comp: Dell Laptop, Intel Centrino, Windows XP...

Any ideas?

always the same memory address? does it blue screen? or is it in a grey popup box? Generally I recommend that people reseat the memory when they see a single bit memory error, it can easly be caused by dust or carbon tracks to ground.


Sandy, Ut
I think it is always the same one... it just crashed windows explorer, closes all my windows, and then auto. starts explorer again, not a huge deal but a PITA at times.

How do I "reseat" the memory on a laptop? Do I simple remove the plate off the bottom and pull it out? Do I need to worry about losing memory, or damaging anything?

I don't even know if my memory is removable on my laptop...

Thanks for the suggestions! :D


Registered User
cruiseroutfit said:
I think it is always the same one... it just crashed windows explorer, closes all my windows, and then auto. starts explorer again, not a huge deal but a PITA at times.

How do I "reseat" the memory on a laptop? Do I simple remove the plate off the bottom and pull it out? Do I need to worry about losing memory, or damaging anything?

I don't even know if my memory is removable on my laptop...

Thanks for the suggestions! :D

What model of Laptop do you have?

Generally Dells Toshiba etc the memory is either under a plate on the bottom, or it is under the keyboard.

Pop the battery and unplug the system press and hold the "on" button for about 20 seconds to discharge any power buildup. then find the chips FIND SOMETHING METAL to ground yourself to for ESD pull the chips gently blow on the connector or use some canned air to get any dust that may be there out. blow the any dust off the chips then re-install. If it is a toshiba Satellite series or a HP they tend to have rather serious lint problems you may want to blow them out with an air compressor @~20 PSI obviously be careful.

As far as losing information - you won't it is the volatile memory not the fixed memory.


Registered User
-edit- been this way all day replied to the wrong email posted to the wrong forum... fu(k It - I'm going to sleep!
Last edited:


way2nosty said:
Ray, give this a shot - it's a little crude, but it correlates to the objects we discussed earlier for the CTI path you need to make sure the client side can pop this with IE also make sure it is a named browser window, and it will fire in the same window over and over as the calls come in rather then to seperate ones.

//define variables
var htmlstring,datedir,timedir,filepath,webpath,webserver,webrootpath,rootpath,head,foot,dt,tm,date_day,today,date_month,date_year,date_hr,date_min,date_sec,filepath,file,forwriting,filename,fso,callid;
//date disection for directory structure
dt = new Date();
date_month = dt.getMonth()+1;
date_day = dt.getDate();
date_year = dt.getFullYear();
date_hr = dt.getHours();
date_min = dt.getMinutes();
date_sec = dt.getSeconds();

//build paths and stuff

rootpath = "d:\\IPCCWebPop";
webrootpath = "http://server-etv2/IPCCWebPop";
datedir = date_year +'-'+ date_month +'-'+ date_day;
timedir = date_hr+':'+date_min+':'+date_sec;

//build File System Object and parameters
forwriting = 8;
fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");

//check to see if the dated directory exists if not create it.
filename = "%FirstInteractionID%"+'.html';
if (fso.FolderExists(rootpath + '\\' + datedir)){
filepath = rootpath + '\\' + datedir + '\\'+filename;
webpath = webrootpath + '/' + datedir + '/' + filename;
fso.CreateFolder(rootpath + '\\' + datedir);
filepath = rootpath + '\\' + datedir + '\\' + filename;
webpath = webrootpath + '/' + datedir + '/' + filename;

//create HTML

htmlstring +='<FIELDSET><LEGEND align="right">Call Information</LEGEND><TABLE ><TR><TD><INPUT readonly size= "40" TYPE="TEXT" NAME="strDateTime" VALUE=';
htmlstring +='"' + datedir + ' ' + timedir + '"></td></tr><TR><TD><INPUT readonly size= "40" TYPE="TEXT" NAME="strCallingNumber" VALUE=';
htmlstring +='"' + "%ANI%" + '"></td></tr><TR><TD><INPUT readonly size= "40" TYPE="TEXT" NAME="strCallingName" VALUE=';
htmlstring +='"' + "%CallName%" + '"></td></tr></TABLE></FIELDSET><FIELDSET><LEGEND align="right" color="black">Account Information</LEGEND><TABLE ><TR><TD><INPUT readonly size= "40" TYPE="TEXT" NAME="field1A" VALUE=';
htmlstring +='"' + "%Customer_Firstname%" + ' ' + "%Customer_LastName%" + '"></td></tr><TR><TD><INPUT readonly size= "40" TYPE="TEXT" NAME="field1B" VALUE=';
htmlstring +='"' + "%Customer_Account%" + '"></td></tr></TABLE></FIELDSET><FIELDSET><LEGEND align="right">Company Information</LEGEND><TABLE ><TR><TD><INPUT readonly size= "40" TYPE="TEXT" NAME="field1A" VALUE=';
htmlstring +='"' + "%Company_Name%"+ '"></td></tr><TR><TD><textarea NAME="field1C" cols="30" rows ="4">';
htmlstring +="%Company_Greeting%" + '</textarea></td></tr><TR><TD><INPUT readonly size= "40" TYPE="TEXT" NAME="Congstring" VALUE=';
htmlstring +='"' + "%ANI%" + '##' + "%CallName%" + '##' + "%Customer_Account%" + '##' + "%Customer_Firstname%" + '##' + "%Customer_LastName%" + '"' + '</TABLE></FORM></BODY></HTML>';
//open the file for writing and write html to it.
if (fso.FileExists(filepath))

file = fso_OpenTextFile(filepath, forwriting, false);


var file = fso.CreateTextFile(filepath, true);


-_- crossposter :rofl:


Sandy, Ut
So I pulled the RAM out, blew some air in there and re-installed... problem still exists whenever I try and open my "Photos" folder...

Is there a different memory I should remove/install?

Google searches come up with nothing on all these searches, and the Microsoft error reporting crashes when it tries to send???


Balls to the Walls
Salt Lake
cruiseroutfit said:
Just did a Windows update and it seems to be working now :D

Thats what I was going to suggest. Also if you have the cd key and the XP disk try doing a repair install. You wont lose any memory and it will most likely fix the problem.


Registered User
Supergper said:
you realize that its a joke right :ugh: (but a pretty funny one :D)

I think I'm going to build one just for fun at random intervals the computer fake blue screens with a advertisment. hmmmm.


Sandy, Ut
Bump... started doing this again, with a different scenario. This time when I try to open a file (within a program) it crashes. Same message... "memory error" as my original post.

I've again tried pulling the RAM, blowing it out and reseating. Same issue. I'll try a Windows update and see what that does...


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
Bump... started doing this again, with a different scenario. This time when I try to open a file (within a program) it crashes. Same message... "memory error" as my original post.

I've again tried pulling the RAM, blowing it out and reseating. Same issue. I'll try a Windows update and see what that does...

You should liberate yourself from that uberannoying browser. :D

Mead, WA
What model of Dell is it?

Send me your email address and I'll email you a copy of a memory check program that I use (for the RAM).

You can run what is called ID90 tests on the hard drive and see if they pass or etc.

But it sounds like you may have one or the other failing....


Sandy, Ut
I updated Windows and its working fine now?? Thats the second time a simple update fixed the issue. I need to do the automatic updates when they prompt me, but I always skip them as. Why I don't know.

Wayne, I would really appreciate that.

kurt -at- cruiseroutfitters -dot- com

I finally purchased an external drive (thanks for all the advice on that Rusted)... so I can start backing everything up on a regular basis. One of these days I am going to have my laptop completely re-loaded, but I'm afraid I'll lose alot of software I can't get back ;) Is there a way to completely clean my comp but keep all my software around??