Novice/Beginner - I want to hit up some basic trails, but need a leader with patience

Going to MOAB this weekend. Saturday will be filled with easy trails and Sunday we're bumping it up a notch to Elephant Hill Rd.
Let me work out some details but we'll likely aim for something in the late summer. Several of us on RME are Tread Lightly Tread Trainers so tying it into a Tread Awareness class would be a natural fit. Stay tuned.

In the meantime if there are others that would be interested in such a class, please pipe up.

Hey there,

I am new to the forum and new to going off-road some what. I would be interested in a class for sure though. Have you done it already? Let me know.


Hey there,

I am new to the forum and new to going off-road some what. I would be interested in a class for sure though. Have you done it already? Let me know.



No, I/we did not do it yet. The thought was once it cooled down a bit in the fall but its absolutely time to start planning it if there is enough interest. Potentially it could be combined with National Public Lands Day? Sunday following the Saturday clean-up efforts? Alternatively I have access to a private off-road facility and class-rooms and we could potentially host it there if interest warranted.
I would be interested also. I have been wheeling for 15 years or so, probably doing it all wrong. I'd like to learn proper techniques, trail ettiquite and tread lightly. It never hurts to hear stuff you already know, plus it is a good excuse to get out and meet some wheelers.

put me down for 1+
i'd be interested also. i have been wheeling for a few years too, but would love to know more proper ways. and taylorRichie i have sent you a pm. im always ready to go out anytime, just let me know a couple days in advance so i can get a trailer. (still don't have one of those things yet)