NPLD Report: 5MP


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
So, bunch of people showed up at Five Mile Pass, in spite of the relatively low-key promotion of this year's stellar event. :D That is an awesome thing.

Greg and I would guess that around 40 people showed up: and if you did, post up who you are and how many of you there be. :D UNOFFICIALLY, I saw:

Ben and Kami (did I spell it right this time? I worry.),
SublimeTime and her man,
Ricsrx and..
John! whose screen name I forget,
Allen Wolfe
Allen's neighbor, whose screen name I also forget, as well as his real name
BradJ and his family, and dog. :D
Dave B
DaveB's wife
DaveB's son-- I am sorry I can't remember your names!! man, that's awful
The guy with the white Jeep buggy thing who I can't remember either
utah340six and his merry band of youths, they had like.. 4-6 people in their party

I KNOW I forgot people, and I apologize!! Thank you all for coming. :D

The dumpster was filled again, despite a nice lack of big trash this year. Kind of a nice productive, low-key event this year. I asked a Tooele Transcript photog to come out, but he was busy at LMMP, and the KSL van I half-heartedly tried to recruit did shot appear either. But NEEEEXXXXTTT year.. well, next year will be something else. :D

As we were finishing up, ChestonScout and BuckingBronco rolled up, so we all went for the afterparty up the Snakes. Right off the bat, utah340six's party was having some trouble with a Jeep.. but they had a gaggle of capable bodies around the Jeep, so we forged on.
The Blazer of Doom wound its way up the trail with aplomb and flex, and managed not to smash any part of its considerable width on any rocks. We caught up with Cheston's enormous TopTruckTractor and Steve's buggy (now with solid-mounted drivetrain! woot!).. another group broke and was on their way down, so we moved over and let them on their way... and then continued on to WW. I nosed up to it just to see, and to my suprise was able to get up on the first ledge in my humble truck... but, rockers are tender and mine were way too close to being smushed, so I backed off and spectated instead. :D
Whoever was in that Toyota truggy thing, man! I thought you were done for! Nearly flopped it on his side, but managed not to. :D Good going. Steve turned his throttle switch to "ON" and boogied up the waterfall... straight into the second ledge wall. FULL STOP! hahah oops. Good job, Steve. Cheston's rear steer drove him left on the second ledge, for an exciting, tippy exit that probably no one got on camera. :( OH! and the white Jeep buggy with the guy whose name I forget walked right up it with no drama whatsoever. All in all a good time.
Also ran into two fellow Tooeleans, whose names I ALSO forget. One of them owns the Vine Street Market though, so I shall find him again. :D

So once again, thanks everyone for coming out, you make proud to know you all, and I appreciate you taking the time. :D Thanks everyone.


Et incurventur ante non
far enough away
hahah holy crap. That's a lot of tractor on that cage. :D Is that your blood on the window??? :eek:

I'm stoked for the video. Now tell us what happened. :D


dont be a sheep in a jeep
west jordan,UT

lol no, tranny fluid.

ill let ches tell it. not really sure what happened. he should be on soon

but, we started going over and i didnt think anything of it...then the windshild started caving in on my hand's,(hands where on the cross bar above the dash)so pulled my hands away and was just hangin there by the lap belt.
there was alot of pressure on the latch and i couldnt hold my self up and pull it, so pulled it and fell like a rock on a pile of glass and oil. lol
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opinions are like Jeeps..
Clinton, Ut
I really dont know what to say either. Im waiting to see some video. Steve should be posting it before long.

I hammered it a couple felt like it was going to go up so I tried it again and as far as I know...a tire grabbed weird and flipped us over quicker than snot!

Cage held up better than I expected...TONS of body damage. Radiator is bent and dented (but not leaking.....yet)

We put fluid in it and drove it out.

Good times


Well-Known Member
Yeah tacoma.... You forgot about me in the monster toyota on 42's...

Glad everyone was ok Cheston, Looks like I missed a heck of a time!