
Sand Pile
St George Utah
Utah needs to implement these same ideas and join all the off highway and recreation groups in one large coalition instead of the smaller groups. I realized there is USA-All but there are smaller groups and what not scattered all over. Where is the best place to put your money and time if you love the outdoors???? Who best protects your rights to use open space and keep the roads open? Just wondering


Sandy, Ut
The Utah 4 Wheel Drive Association does just that, combines ~15 clubs throughout the state. And U4WDA is a member of UsaAll , United Four Wheel Drive Association and Blue Ribbon Coalition. UsaAll is a Utah based groups covering all OHV's (ATV, Jeep, Snow, Water) and Blue Ribbon is even a little more broad (OHV, horse, Jeep, Snow, etc)

As far as where to see your money... the best bang for the buck here in Utah is going to be UsaAll, but all of the above name groups need $$$ to fight the wealthy greenie agendas. California has a very involved 4x4 community, mostly due to the fact that they lack in open wheeling terrain, thus forcing members to stay involved in the land use battles. Here in Utah, the opposite exists... many wheelers don't get involved because they don't think it affects them... they join when their favorite trails get closed... when it is already too late... :(

Check em' out on the web:

Utah 4 Wheel Drive Association
Utah Shared Access Alliance
The Blue Ribbon Coalition


Sandy, UT
Ok, here is the way I see it:

You SUPPORT the groups that SUPPORT your sport. That's all there is to it. If you dirt bike, you join a club and a land use group that supports keeping your trails open. Same thing with any motorized sports because we are all in the same boat.

I am a member of the U4WDA, but am not a member of any current club (probly should join one). Many of the prominent Utah 4x4 clubs are "member clubs" of the U4WDA, therefore making you a member of both. We (U4) support this sport. Remember the new lift law? It is SOOOOO much better than it used to be. That was wholly U4 at work.

I also am a paying member of USA-ALL. I am in fact a business member and sent them off my $100 renewall recently. Why? because dammit, they get **** DONE!! Check their website!! Look under, I think it's press releases or news or something, anyways, they recently sued and REOPENED some trails in American Fork Canyon. They have their own lawyer and go to court regularly. I as of late am VERY pleased at the things they are accomplishing and stand for. They truly deserve your $20 or whatever the membership fee is.

Now Blue Ribbon does the same thing but at the national level. I have been a member but am not currently. They now have a large enough membership base and a large enough war chest to also get things done (in court, in congress, etc.)

You are right, there are so many groups, what can you do? I truly cannot afford to join all of them, even though I want to. I would say pick two and go for it!!

This may come across as being too abrupt, but if you are not a member of something that supports the sport, you are the problem, not the solution.



Lobbyist \ Consultant
I agree with all the comments that have been made. you may think my opiion is biased but let me tell you, I applied for my current position because i believed in USA-ALL. i would be telling you the same thing now as i would've 2 or 3 years ago. I't's simple... join a club that will let you mingle with other's interested in your activity. And join USA-ALL. We are primarily FOCUSED on working with local, state and federal land mangers dealing with land access issues, we have and we will litigate when needed. if you question how serious we are, check out our not so pretty website, (it will get better) we just took a local case to the supreme court, and won, we stopped SUWA from controlling daily managment of BLM operations. we litterally saved the day, had we not done so, all of our lives would be worse off. it doesnt get more committed than taking a case to the highest court in the land. that was funded by all of our awsome, committed members. we have a full time attorney on staff, to put that in perspective, SUWA has 5 we now have a paid staff of 3, SUWA has 20, our budget is about as big as 2 average OHV owners yearly income, SUWA'S, well the exact figure escapes me but it's in the millions. not to mention all thier little sub coalitions and other enviro-elitist groups. we need peoples help, in money, time what ever you want to give. but let's face it, it takes money to litigate on the behalf of responsible recreation, sad but true. We love U4WDA, UTMA, BRC, ETC. They are awsome, and have very important roles in our community, I highly reccomend them, but to put it simply, if your main concern is keeping land open, we're it. any of the smaller access groups ( i am not reffering to the the previously mentioned groups they are all big and w/ the exception of BRC not focused on land access) that say they fight for that are dividing valuable resources, unless you disagree with our goals or ideals you shouldnt place you money in a group that has little to no track record, no legal staff, and little experience. i know that sucks for little guys but it's the cold hard truth. Our lands are to valuable to gamble with. If you ever want to know in greater detail, how your money is spent you can email me, i am the guy who decides most of that. i am personally at meetingS all over the state nearly every day, I have or will meet with every county commissioner, road dept, planner, in your area i know all of the fed. land mangers, and many of the state reps and land mangers, we are a now a force in their eyes, we have tremendous momentum, i am new to the position, but i wont let up, i love our land, I am one of you, i am working so my kids will be able to enjoy what i have had. I will always run a tight ship, we have near zero overhead thanks to many great businesses like Rocky Mountain ATV, in payson. that means more of your hard earned money comes right back to you in the form of open trails, better relationships with all the political players, and legal support when you or your clubs need it. sorry to ramble, it's just so important, someone commeted on it, and they are so right, for what ever reason, many of us have strong opinions on these issues but we never do anything about it untill our favorite trail gets closed. why? I know we're all good people that isnt it. i dont know why? But the time is now that we ALL need to unite and put these other groups and agencies in check. and in some cases shut down thier illegal and unethical agendas. ramble ...ramble, sorry just my $1.02 + Thanks, we dont say it enough, TRULY THANK YOU, to all our supporters and we still love those of you who care but havent supported us...yet! ;)


Sandy, UT
Thanks Mike! That was a great diatribe, er, I mean, a great explanation of your position and what you do! :) Thanks for taking the time to peruse our forum; It's nice to have you here.

Glad you're on our side; keep up the good work.

OK people, you heard the man!! If you're not a member, join USA-ALL NOW!!



Sand Pile
St George Utah

EZRhino said:
Thanks Mike! That was a great diatribe, er, I mean, a great explanation of your position and what you do! :) Thanks for taking the time to peruse our forum; It's nice to have you here.

Glad you're on our side; keep up the good work.

OK people, you heard the man!! If you're not a member, join USA-ALL NOW!!


AUSOME thanks for all the great replies. I was curious about some of the issues as I have not spent alot of time tracking things other than mainly on the local basis. Also wanted to get everyone thinking and see where we stood in Utah on the issues as always the one state that loves and fights for our open space. Thanks for all the hard work and I also am a member of U4WDA and enjoy there hard work. Great thread