Offroad Motorcycle Instruction

Once we get to the summer break from racing, there are probably some weekends I could do, but right now with USRA races about every other weekend and some of the Youth NHHA for my boy, my weekends are shot......and I have not even looked at my honey do list for non race weekends.

Let er me know if you guys want to come down sometime.
"coach VON" as in "Vonski" ?

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz... huh? what?

"Coach" is a term to use very loosely. I went to the Shane Watts Price class last year and there was talk about me passing along some exercises and info that I learned. I am still willing to do so, we just need to pick a time to go out. Five Mile would work, but even better would be heading down the road to Faust about a mile. You guys hammer out a do-able Saturday, and I'll bring my cones out. I could really use the practice myself.

However, I would really stress the importance of going to an actual class instead of getting second hand info from a less than stellar rider. ;)