Ogden Canyon Trail??

If it is above north ogden then the only way its legal is if its there property. Its posted at almost all of the entrances.(when ever you go off pavement. Most of the roads there are for the powerline maintenance. If it is legal, I know where I will be this weekend.
Well, I guess Im they guy you've all been wainting for and this is why I dont get on this forum anymore. It sounds like there are a lot of people who are very judgemental without doing some research. If any of you knew me you wouldnt have jumped the gun and started talking crap. I was not being illelgal we entered the rock garden through my buddies private property. An yes I rode over a plant or two......live with it. I was trying to pull someone out and then after breaking my axel shaft I coudnt really choose where I went while trying to get out, hence the vegetation trample.

As for the ENTIRE CLUB BASHING because of one person.....come on.
Kye said:
Well, I guess Im they guy you've all been wainting for and this is why I dont get on this forum anymore. It sounds like there are a lot of people who are very judgemental without doing some research. If any of you knew me you wouldnt have jumped the gun and started talking crap. I was not being illelgal we entered the rock garden through my buddies private property. An yes I rode over a plant or two......live with it. I was trying to pull someone out and then after breaking my axel shaft I coudnt really choose where I went while trying to get out, hence the vegetation trample.

As for the ENTIRE CLUB BASHING because of one person.....come on.

lol.....I was right and now that I see your user name, I finally figured out your name again. Unfortunately, it does seem that a lot of people on this board do jump the gun on a lot of issues. I've had that problem with just pics that I've posted on here. No one seems to stop and say, "well, why don't we ask the guy about this', before they pass judgement. You can read my other post where I kind of said that same thing, but as you've read in the rest of this thread, not many people stop to think very often.

Anyway, good to see that your TJ is still looking good. Still got the WJ or done anything new with either?
Kye said:
Well, I guess Im they guy you've all been wainting for and this is why I dont get on this forum anymore. It sounds like there are a lot of people who are very judgemental without doing some research....

Kye, I appreciate your coming here & setting everything straight. I'm glad that you were not off the trail & were in fact where you were supposed to be.

One thing about any large forum is that you will have many differing opinions on each & every subject. It's easier for people make accusations over the 'net. I'm sorry you feel that you need to avoid RME, I hate hearing people say that. If I can do anything to help, lemme know.

BTW folks, I think Kye is owed an apology. :)
Brett said:
lol.....I was right and now that I see your user name, I finally figured out your name again. Unfortunately, it does seem that a lot of people on this board do jump the gun on a lot of issues. I've had that problem with just pics that I've posted on here. No one seems to stop and say, "well, why don't we ask the guy about this', before they pass judgement. You can read my other post where I kind of said that same thing, but as you've read in the rest of this thread, not many people stop to think very often.

Anyway, good to see that your TJ is still looking good. Still got the WJ or done anything new with either?

Brett, good to here from you, The T.J. is coming along. We sold the W.J. but are looking for another one. Where are you now?
Greg said:
Kye, I appreciate your coming here & setting everything straight. I'm glad that you were not off the trail & were in fact where you were supposed to be.

One thing about any large forum is that you will have many differing opinions on each & every subject. It's easier for people make accusations over the 'net. I'm sorry you feel that you need to avoid RME, I hate hearing people say that. If I can do anything to help, lemme know.

BTW folks, I think Kye is owed an apology. :)

Thanks for you help it means a lot! Keep up the good work.
Kye said:
Brett, good to here from you, The T.J. is coming along. We sold the W.J. but are looking for another one. Where are you now?

Just working for AmEx. Got rid of that piece of junk that I had when I was at Mepco, got a much cleaner and nicer XJ now. Just still messing around in SLC, not too much else to do.
Kye thanks for setting everything straight. We fully support the U4WDA and do not travel off designated trails.

I am Brad on that forum, and like Steve said I am president of the club. I do start and reply to a lot of posts, thats how a board gets started. I don't think RME had 3000 members its' second day. The board was mostly designed for members of our club to communicate, but I didn't feel it was right to limit everyone that came to visit....kind of sad that people have to throw comments like that around to make themselves look bigger or feel better, and that is a main reason I don't frequent this board much either.

In case everyone forgets, we are all on the same team, we all want to go out with friends and go wheeling, and at the same time do what we can to keep trails open. So why attack fellow wheelers? How come we have to cut down a newbie just because he doesn't know everything his first time out? How come someone can't make a mistake and ask a dumb question? If there is any chance for us to work together as a community of off road enthusiasts to keep are sport going threads and comments like the ones in this thread need to go, or have some validity behind them.

Well, I am off my soapbox now.

olywrestle said:
In case everyone forgets, we are all on the same team, we all want to go out with friends and go wheeling, and at the same time do what we can to keep trails open. So why attack fellow wheelers? How come we have to cut down a newbie just because he doesn't know everything his first time out?

I have to agree with this. A lot of times when I see people wheeling off trail and I say something to them they apologize and say they have never thought of it that way. This sport has been around for years and has changed a lot. When I started there was pretty much no education of "tread lightly". There is more now but there is still a lot of kids that just don't know any better. If they get "cut down" instead of educated they may get the wrong idea of what the 4x4 family is all about. I think as a whole we need to, rather than jump to conclusions, try to look for facts and educate.

Just my two cents.
