Old school in august! come on people!

I just know that when I looked into doing the RME 4x4 training day out there, the BLM said I needed private insurance, a $100 fee for the BLM permits, 6 months notice, etc. even though we were teaching them to tread lightly, recover, and drive on the rocks for a couple hours. It was a joke. We weren't collecting money, and there weren't any competitions, prizes, or anything like that.

Do whatever you want, I just wanted to give you a heads up regarding what they told me. I had the same assumptions as you 'till I talked to the BLM. That's actually a big reason why we have it at MMP now. Sucks there's so much red tape to jump through just to get together out there.
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If MMSP only wants 20 bucks a rig to hold a comp there then thats totally the way to go, id help set up something like that, been working on a ogden based comp for awhile but this seems easier
but remember we should add some more money to the entry fee, so it could cover trophies if thats what everyone wants to do also.. if not then just the 20 dollar fee would be good..
but remember we should add some more money to the entry fee, so it could cover trophies if thats what everyone wants to do also.. if not then just the 20 dollar fee would be good..

totally agreed think about it most events are 80 to 100 bucks at least! 20 to 40 sounds way cheap to me not to mention it will be much closer to the salt lake area which will make it not only easier for compeitors but spectators also. im totally serious about making this happen sorry it took so long to see this, if no one has already headed this up then let me know id love to shoot for a comp in august

A competition would run into thousands of dollars to hold out there between insurance, track rental, facilities, advertising, staff, etc.

We are talking more about holding a training day to help build excitement for next years old school rock crawl. There is a group of us that have been involved for a long time meeting this weekend to get the ball rolling. More details to come.
Whats wrong with just staying on track and conducting the RME Trainning Day Sessions out at MMSP making each one bigger and better... maybe even breaking off into different groups that are more into competition level crawling and others that are mild or new to the sport.

Unless you really want to do a full on competition (Craig Stump knows how much work this takes, just ask him, his family and close friends). You gotta start small and use what you already have to your advantage, especially if ya want new people to be gun-ho about gettting more into the competition thing if they have never been involved before.

You can't go wrong helping/volunteering/ and especially attending the RME Training Days. Maybe we need to just call it something like Rocky Mountain Extreme OFF-ROAD Day @ MMSP that way everyone (no matter what level of wheeling) can feel like they want to attend... just to hang out, get some seat time in on the course/ hone some crawling skills... If we all help making the sessions as awesome as we can you would have a good group of potential competitors ready for a real event in the near future. I know the ground work has already been layed with John at MMSP and he seems to be on board with locals using the Rock Crawling course to its full potential. Again we see Teraflex using the course to hold their yearly event, and they have been a sponor for the last two RME Training days as well.

my 2 cents
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