Here is a pic of my buddy going over the jump in the mini king of the hammer race.
Here is a pic of my buddy going over the jump in the mini king of the hammer race.
Here is a pic of my buddy going over the jump in the mini king of the hammer race.
That couldn't have ended well!
The best will be the video.. Hold out for the video! Trust me.. I was behind the camera, and it's good stuff..
We're an instant gratification society, so telling us to wait is just pissing us off. FEED ME NOW!
ok i'll wait
I had a pit in my stomach all SUnday knowing that I spent two full days recording the action, but turned it all over to VIDEO RUNNER (Dan's dad), for editing.. His camera, his equipment, his overall video.. I can't wait to see the finished product.
But there is an oddly empty feeling knowing that right now I personally have nothing to show for all the footage I took. :-\
Whats up here? Tacoma, you guys need to read the book on the center of the table.