"Oxygen Theif of the Day"


Sandy, UT
That A$$hole was driving over the trees that I PLANTED?!?!!!?? RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good thing I wasn't there or they're have been shots a flyin!! This absolutely floors me. Shoulda taken his keys out and thrown them in the river!!!!

Kurt, you did the right thing!!!! Take pics, and lots of em. Post em all over the internet!!!! Sooner or later these jackasses are going to see themselves!! Take pics of their OHV tag and or license plate number. Send em to the FS.

We really need some signs at both the rock garden and the lake. The FS can screw off with their sign protocol; I say we take matters into our own hands (because we know the FS is sitting on theirs). We need something at the 'garden that says something like:

In Aug 2002 (or whenever it was) a group of 4x4 enthusiasts closed this illegally created bypass around the rock garden area by planting trees and dragging logs across it. Please let the trees grow and stay on the main trail! Do not go off the main trail; when you do you accelerate the possibility of closing the entire area to all of us. If the trail is too difficult for you without creating "go arounds" then go somewhere else!

Ok that is way too wordy but you get the picture.

I had an experience in the San Rafael Swell a couple years ago; I flew of the handle and started yelling at guys on bikes and ATV's that were doing donuts any-damn-where they pleased. It doesn't really work.

EZ's guide to trail confrontation:

1) take pics first; catch them in the act.
2) tell em what they are doing is wrong and they are jeopardizing the entire area to all of us.
3) tell em they have two choices: join US-ALL, UTMA, or U4WDA (carry new member packet with you) OR you will turn the photos in to the FS, and they WILL get a ticket.


Let's make some magnetic "Trail Patrol USFS" signs and screen some "trail Patrol" T shirts.

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Registered User
cheapzuk said:
I wouldn't post the pictures all over the net. That will be used as artillery against us when some tree huggher see's it.

I agree...however the "trail patrol' magnetic stickers and shirts are a great idea..your average shmuck that is violating the law probably wouldnt even realize that it wasnt an official division of the forrest service. :rofl: Seriously though..many people arent going to change their behavior unless they are scared that they will have to personally suffer financial and or property loss concequences. Many people have the 'as long as your not caught, its legal' attitude up in AF canyon, we need to find a way to put the 'fear of eco-nazi's' into these people. I like the idea of taking pictures and scaring them into thinking that they could have their 4x4/atv confinscated/impounded if the pictures are presented to the FS. In reality from what I understand (my buddy is an officer of the law) they really cant do crap with photos as far as prosecution goes because they cant verify the driver most of the time. All they can really do is try to increase patrols of the area. BUT! your average person may not know this and may serioulsy feel like they could get into trouble by a picture....Keep a digital camera or a poloroid with you so you can confront these guys on the trail and show them that you caught them and will turn them in. I personally know the person that was(up until this past year) the head lobbiest for SUWA..you wouldnt belive how full of hatred these eco-nazi's are towards us. We need to do something now, on the trail, to stop them from gaining any more evidence against us that they can use in court...its nice to joind the u4wd assoc or other offroad groups, but that doesnt do any good if you have some eco-nazi up there taking pictures of these idiots violating the law. We need to have somethign like an RME educational run. Go up to AF canyon and other popular places to violate and do a group run/bbq whatever, and leave people at the commonly violated areas(rock garden, forest lake) to educate those in violation..maybe give out some printed material...Point is, we need to be up there in numbers. its one thing when you are by yourself trying to talk to a group of people and they are looking at you like they are gonig to kick your ass if you say another word, and quite another if you have a group of 4x4 enthusiast with you to back you up and help enforce the rules...sorry for the long rambling post, but after this weekend, i'm REALLY starting to get pissed off at the abuse of our trails (I never knew it was so bad until this weekend) and am quite honestly scared of the possible consiquences if it continues.

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
EZRhino said:
EZ's guide to trail confrontation:

1) take pics first; catch them in the act.
2) tell em what they are doing is wrong and they are jeopardizing the entire area to all of us.
3) tell em they have two choices: join US-ALL, UTMA, or U4WDA (carry new member packet with you) OR you will turn the photos in to the FS, and they WILL get a ticket.


Let's make some magnetic "Trail Patrol USFS" signs and screen some "trail Patrol" T shirts.


I totally agree with 1 & 2. But 3 is a bit iffy to me. I'd let them know I have photos and other identifying information & I intend to turn it over to the proper authorities.

As for the Trail patrol signs & shirts, that might actually be illegal & cause far more trouble for all of us.

I'm in the very beginning of the process of trying to get an official trail patrol program going around Moab. I need to get a lot of info & test the response of the local BLM, USFS, county sheriff's & maybe NPS. I'm hoping to be able to get some cooperation from all of them and apply for a grant under the Recreational Trails Program to fund it. If all goes well I hope to put several people out there with actual authority to write tickets & make arrests, something like a reserve police officer. I realize though that it will most likely end up being volunteers with digi cams, notebooks & cell phones.


Registered User
Rick B said:
I'm in the very beginning of the process of trying to get an official trail patrol program going around Moab. I need to get a lot of info & test the response of the local BLM, USFS, county sheriff's & maybe NPS. If all goes well I hope to put several people out there with actual authority to write tickets & make arrests, something like a reserve police officer.

What ever happened to a citizens arrest type of deal? can this be utilized in a way where we can issue a ticket if we have them available?....will see if I can chck with my buddy in law enforcement to see if we can do this.If we can, we may be able to issue tickets ourselves on behalf of law enforcement which would bill cool :cool: ..they have citizens on patrol programs for neighborhoods..well, we can have wheelers on patrol-whatever you want to call it. We NEED to stop it at the trails, not at the courts where it will end up if no action is taken.


Sandy, Ut
"Trail Patrol" already exists... everyone should check it out and join...

I'm still for posting pics of violators, its a different story when they are posted as part of a trail report etc... The are posted for the sole reason of decreasing environmental damage...


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
How about a simple sticker campaing in addition to these other fine suggestions? Just a sticker that says "Stay on the trail"? Just like the "Save our canyons" deal. I would run one on every vehicle I own.
I need to get a rig so I can start busting these a$$holes too. :mad2:


Registered User
I just stopped by the Pleasant Grove Ranger Station, the HQ for Amer. Fork Canyon, and talked to the guy in charge of the canyon. As soon as I mentioned Forest Lake, he reacted like many of us would, "Don't get me started on Forest Lake..." I asked him if there is anything we could do to help remedy the situation, and he said that he was wary of us talking to people for fear of our safety, but he said pictures can certainly help. He said it was doubtful that they would ticket people that were not caught in the act by them directly, but that the law enforcement division would call and let them know they were wrong, and tell them that they would be cited if found offending again. He said that we could email him the pictures and he would take care of them and get them to law enforcement.

Pictures need to show the vehicle in question, as well as the surrounding area. We also need a close up of the license plates, and a picture of the driver if possible. Please be considerate of their bandwidth and resize pictures appropriately. Also include contact information in case they do want to cite someone and they want to fight it in court. Time/date stamp on the picture may help also. Kurt's example of the green Bronco above would suffice if the close up of the plate was better to show current registration and even sticker number.

Send pictures to: Larry Velarde


Please be careful doing this, even if your pictures aren't close enough, if they get enough pictures of the same vehicles on repeated occasions, they will ticket them. Don't risk a fight to get a good picture. If they are willing to ignore trail laws, who knows what other laws they are willing to break...

Be safe, and take your camera every time you go out.



.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
fj40fax said:
I just stopped by the Pleasant Grove Ranger Station, the HQ for Amer. Fork Canyon, and talked to the guy in charge of the canyon. As soon as I mentioned Forest Lake, he reacted like many of us would, "Don't get me started on Forest Lake..." I asked him if there is anything we could do to help remedy the situation, and he said that he was wary of us talking to people for fear of our safety, but he said pictures can certainly help. He said it was doubtful that they would ticket people that were not caught in the act by them directly, but that the law enforcement division would call and let them know they were wrong, and tell them that they would be cited if found offending again. He said that we could email him the pictures and he would take care of them and get them to law enforcement.

Pictures need to show the vehicle in question, as well as the surrounding area. We also need a close up of the license plates, and a picture of the driver if possible. Please be considerate of their bandwidth and resize pictures appropriately. Also include contact information in case they do want to cite someone and they want to fight it in court. Time/date stamp on the picture may help also. Kurt's example of the green Bronco above would suffice if the close up of the plate was better to show current registration and even sticker number.

Send pictures to: Larry Velarde


Please be careful doing this, even if your pictures aren't close enough, if they get enough pictures of the same vehicles on repeated occasions, they will ticket them. Don't risk a fight to get a good picture. If they are willing to ignore trail laws, who knows what other laws they are willing to break...

Be safe, and take your camera every time you go out.


Wow. Good work there man!


Well-Known Member
limegrnxj said:
I would be interested in becoming a member of this but I am not a member of an "A group of 10 or more individuals usually affiliated with and organized OHV club or similar organization" unless this board counts. If it does then we should get a group of people together and go through this course

keep reading...
Individual members must submit an application for membership to the board for certification either as a junior or senior member. A junior member in good standing will automatically be granted senior status on their 18th birthday.

All the sentence you quoted is saying is that you can create a complete unit with 10 or more individuals. You can be an individual member.


Registered User
fj40fax said:
I just stopped by the Pleasant Grove Ranger Station, the HQ for Amer. Fork Canyon, and talked to the guy in charge of the canyon. As soon as I mentioned Forest Lake, he reacted like many of us would, "Don't get me started on Forest Lake..." I asked him if there is anything we could do to help remedy the situation, and he said that he was wary of us talking to people for fear of our safety, but he said pictures can certainly help. He said it was doubtful that they would ticket people that were not caught in the act by them directly, but that the law enforcement division would call and let them know they were wrong, and tell them that they would be cited if found offending again. He said that we could email him the pictures and he would take care of them and get them to law enforcement.

Pictures need to show the vehicle in question, as well as the surrounding area. We also need a close up of the license plates, and a picture of the driver if possible. Please be considerate of their bandwidth and resize pictures appropriately. Also include contact information in case they do want to cite someone and they want to fight it in court. Time/date stamp on the picture may help also. Kurt's example of the green Bronco above would suffice if the close up of the plate was better to show current registration and even sticker number.

Send pictures to: Larry Velarde


Please be careful doing this, even if your pictures aren't close enough, if they get enough pictures of the same vehicles on repeated occasions, they will ticket them. Don't risk a fight to get a good picture. If they are willing to ignore trail laws, who knows what other laws they are willing to break...

Be safe, and take your camera every time you go out.


CAN WE PLEASE MAKE THIS A TOP STICKY IN THE LAND USE FORUM TITLED SOMTHING LIKE 'TURNING IN LAND ABUSE OFFENDERS' So those of us that do get pictures can easily get back to this message with the link and info on where to send our pics...


.......a few dollars more
Supporting Member
shmoesmith said:
CAN WE PLEASE MAKE THIS A TOP STICKY IN THE LAND USE FORUM TITLED SOMTHING LIKE 'TURNING IN LAND ABUSE OFFENDERS' So those of us that do get pictures can easily get back to this message with the link and info on where to send our pics...

We'll figure something out...........Good idea. Maybe have Herzog work something on the cool web up?


Sandy, Ut
I have already discussed the picture deal and legalities with the USFS, and at this time neither of these pics will be sent to them, in future cases, depends on the situation.

Alan Taylor (Land Use-U4WDA) has invited me to meet with the head of operations for the PG USFS Ranger District, be assured this kind of stuff will be on our agenda. Also a hot ticket on the agenda will be planning some service projects to clean-up/improve the canyon. Time to put your money where your mouth is and save some face for the 4x4 community... :D

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
Yeah trail patrol already exists, but I can't find anyone around here who has ever heard of it. Obviously they aren't doing much, if anything, because practically no one on this forum has ever heard of them either. It makes me wonder if there really is enough interest after all. At the very least I want to get official trail maps made & put up at the 35-40 most popular trails in the Moab area.


Registered User
Rick B said:
Yeah trail patrol already exists, but I can't find anyone around here who has ever heard of it. Obviously they aren't doing much, if anything, because practically no one on this forum has ever heard of them either. It makes me wonder if there really is enough interest after all. .

My buddy in law enforcement is checking into whether or not we can set something up like the neighborhood pace car deal, but for the trails. In the neighborhood pace car deal, someone who has been trained and certified can drive behind you and 'pace' you and if they find you are speeding they can turn you in to law enforcement and you will get a ticket sent to you, on the word of the person that was trained as a neighborhood pace car (this is how I understand it)....SOOOOO, my buddy is checking into whether we can do something like that for the trails..you get trained and certified in a particular segment of enforcemnt, by law enforcement (such as illegal route making etc) and if you catch someone they will be fined/cited by law enforcement, on your word, even though official law enforcemnt was not present to witness the offence..My buddy says if this is possible, we will need to take pictures to make sure that we can back up our 'word againt theirs' should they take it to court to fight it because we would basically be acting law enforcemnt, and would therefore be required to show in court if they fight it..otherwise they get fly.


Registered User
Trail Patrol

I joined the Trail Patrol about 3 months ago by taking their 4 hour class. There are quite a few members of the Trail Patrol in my Lone Peak club. The idea is that before going to a particular area, you check in with the appropriate land authority (BLM, FS, etc.) and then when on the trail watch for inappropriate behavior. The first choice for dealing with the behavior is education, then the second is reporting, preferable with pictures.

According to the guy that taught the class, most land managers around the state love for the Trail Patrol members to check in and patrol. He said the exception was the Moab area BLM personnel. Apparently they aren't particularly interested in the Trail Patrols help.

As far as giving tickets, the trail patrol only assists Law Enforcement, it does not perform Law Enforcement; however, again the teacher claims that he has signed tickets for rangers when he has seen illegal activity and the ranger hasn't arrived at the scene until the activity has stopped. Claims he has even gone to court as a witness.


Sandy, Ut
Alan Taylor (U4WDA) and I just met with John Hendrix of the USFS. We had a great meeting regarding the possible projects and needs of American Fork Canyon.. Get ready to work...

Bypass blocking
Trail signage
Litter pickup
Educating other users
Fence building
Join Trail Patrol/Goodwill Riders

The PG Ranger District (AF Canyon) is also working on a "adopt-a-trail" program. Duties include regular maintainance, cleanup, fences, eyes & ears, etc...
Encourage members to join Trail Patrol/Goodwill Riders
Particpate/Host a service project

As you can see there are a plethora of opportunities in our own backyard... Get ready (I will annouce any projects I know of) and get your freinds and family up there to help.

Need more info, interested in participating?
Email me...