Pasta Jays... it's kind of a big deal

I live in FL, have since 1987, I am in Ft Lauderdale and can count on 1 hand how many times I've been to the beach, and as far as Caribbean, it's all around me like it or not.

You take expo for granted because you are surrounded by it. Spend time in a horribly non-expo place like this and you will have a renewed respect for expo.

Utah Bureau of Awesomeness Department.

Not according to your location... Unless Draper (to you) looks like FL. Though I have never been there, maybe it does?! *mind blown*

Cody has spoken, that is an honor! :D The newest quote for the random quote collector in you.
man, expo and coast differences aside, pasta jays is a terrible experience. We were forced there against our wills by Coco, and we all got the worst diarrhea ever. Well, all of us that ordered the same thing. That could really put a damper on your expo adventure, or make sure your on board shower works and you carry some pepto and extra TP. They are 0 for 2 so far, but i don't think i will give them the chance to strike out. I mean, you expect that sort of thing from taco bell, but paying $20 bucks for it is a whole new level or terribleness.
man, expo and coast differences aside, pasta jays is a terrible experience. We were forced there against our wills by Coco, and we all got the worst diarrhea ever. Well, all of us that ordered the same thing. That could really put a damper on your expo adventure, or make sure your on board shower works and you carry some pepto and extra TP. They are 0 for 2 so far, but i don't think i will give them the chance to strike out. I mean, you expect that sort of thing from taco bell, but paying $20 bucks for it is a whole new level or terribleness.

I have the had the exact same experience both times I have been there as well...
I always eat there when in town. In fact, Pastafari 2011 was so-named because we kicked off the event at Pasta Jays.

Ft Lauderdale is the tip of the nation's phallus not the taint. It's a good thing Mesha doesn't teach geography. :)

Utah Bureau of Awesomeness Department.
I don't eat the white man's pork and my experiences at the Brewery have been pedestrian food and incompetent service. Not a fan.

Utah Bureau of Awesomeness Department.
I'm not sure yet, because I land in SLC mid afternoon Tuesday and I have tons of errands to get done. I have to stop by Kurt's place to get my gear which always takes a while because he hits me up for pro tips when I'm there.

If I get everything done Tuesday I can leave anytime Wed and dinner might actually be a late lunch. If I have things to do Wed before I leave it will be later. Not trying to be vague, but I figure leaving SLC will be either before or after rush hour.

Utah Bureau of Awesomeness Department.
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