Patches for my toyota

I do find it interesting that collection of said patches seems to have been been associated with overlanding and furthermore Toyota's. Patch collectors have been around for ages... military, LEO and fire guys I think took it to the extreme with their collections. I'm assuming this is how it trickled into the automotive realms. Most of the major patch collector guys I know are military or some level of tacticool-ness. I don't personally "collect" patches that I have no affiliation with, i.e. I don't buy patches (or stickers) from any one designer. However I've collected stickers since I was a teen and have traded patches along my travels. I'm fond of the memories each inspires... hope to collect more memories/patches/stickers.
My favorite patches and stickers have come from Prometheus Design Werx. My avatar is one of their designs and on the occasion that I buy something from them I've looked to see if there was a sticker or patch I liked and added it to the order. I had my wife buy me something from them a while back and now she also occasionally buys patches that my son picks for birthdays or Christmas. I'll have to take a picture of my headliner and post it later.

Certainly not the reason I've got patches up on the ceiling but they have tempered a bought of crying and hollering more than once from my son. We've also made up some games with them on road trips. I'm still trying to get Eli to describe things rather than just point and say "that one." Patch games have helped with that to a certain extent.
When a member of the most tragically hip pretentious industry (home brewers) makes pokes fun at the second ranked (overland patch collectors)..
It's not like I don't poke fun at home brewers even more than overlanders or Toyota guys or Ford guys or vapers or gamers or open carriers etc. I'm a verbal bully and the fact that people take it so personally is exactly why I like to razz people about things like that. And if you saw my clientele I don't think "tragically hip" would be the thought that comes to mind ;)

Really, any outside hobby or symbol that people identify with more so than they're own character is annoying to me. I don't introduce myself as a "homebrewer" and I don't assume any sort of belonging to any inner circle or community because of my involvement in the industry. Just because I drive a Toyota doesn't mean I identify as a "Toyota guy" and my resistance to that (or any other) label I think has offended or annoyed some people who deeply or otherwise personally identify as "Toyota guys" or "homebrewers". It's really my way of weeding out people who want to be friends with me because of me VS what I do or drive.


Took a few minutes to find the NP patches, I had them packed away for some reason. The NP ones didn't come with velcro on the back but my mom sewed it on for me. After taking my BIL and SIL on the WC Christmas tree run they went home and found the pigeon and rhode island patches and gave them to me for Christmas. They don't have velcro yet. (This is my map pack.)
No nerd. Get your gimp ass out of my thread.

Really homie, you're good people. I like smart people and you're pretty smart when you're not being a dumbass and breaking yourself. But I still won't be E-nice to you.
It's really my way of weeding out people who want to be friends with me

Cody, alot of the patches you see out there are only sold in limited Qty's so groups like TPC on FB is where alot of them hold their 'drops".
So unless you want to pay usually higher than drop prices those are good places to pick up new patches. People also do sell from their own collections but usually at a premium.

Here is a list of manufactures websites if you want to see whats currently available but as you will see most are sold out do to limited release size.

Compiled List of TPC Patch Brands
Official TPC Patches

AcceleraTED Custom Design
Adventure Bound Design Works
Amaesing Decals
Amanda Weedmark
American Morale Operation
American Patch Pickers (Long Tran)
Apex Overland
Arizona Bay Designs
A Traveling Bear
Blacklist Patchworx
Bourne Adventure
Campfire Coffee Club
Conquer Patches
Cruiser Gear
Dangerous But Good
Dan Skinz
DeepSouth Gear
Denning Designs (Donald Denning)
DesertRose DesignWorks
Dump Box
FJ Xploration
GZila Patches
Import Equipment
Into the Wild
JYL Patches (Jennifer Y. Lee)
Killer Toy Tops
Lower 48 Outfitters
Majestic Valley
Mash-Up Patches
Mek Made
Mix Truck
Mr. X Label
NOMAD Designs (Devin Kuglar)
Not the End Adventures
Oppie in the Smokies
Orezona Designs
Pariah Proper
Patches O'Hooligans
PF Adventures
Pothole Patches
Primo Off Road Adventures
Rad Rubber Design
Rago Fabrication
RJLJR Designs
RMK Productions
Saturday Morning Reboot
Station 707
Step 22
Stitched Life
Tacoma Nation
Team 4Runner
Team Weekend Warrior
Vagabond Patch Company
Wicked Wheeler
Wilderness Patches
Wildland Studio
Yota Explorers
Yota Mafia
Zombie Tactical Cord
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...It's really my way of weeding out people who want to be friends with me because of me VS what I do or drive.

That's just it, the two don't have to be mutually exclusive. You can meet someone because of what they drive, ride, brew or do in their spare time... and find you want to be friends with them for all the other reasons. I'm not friends with anyone because they drive a Toyota. Rather, I've met a bunch of great friends by being a Toyota guy and continue to meet neat folks through those channels. I'm a Toyota guy, a mine guy, a Canguro guy, and XO guy and I'll likely be a few more guys before I'm taking a dirt nap. I'm no more ashamed to be a proud member of a community or group as I am to own patches.

To me, being a Toyota owner that is part of a Toyota group/club is no different than being a 4x4 owner that is part of RME. You owned the North American Grand Cherokee Association and ran a Grand Cherokee specific event. Did you weed out participants from getting to hang with you?
I never said they had to be mutually exclusive. In fact, one of the reasons I've been a part of the "offload" community for so long is because it as afforded me the opportunity to interact and meet people from all sorts of walks of life. Same thing with home brewing, it really does take all types. But it's the brand or activity loyal people, in any hobby, that take it too far and are more interested in interacting with people only because of that and identify personally and build a hierarchy based on how much they are into that thing. If you take something that seriously and can't take some teasing, then I think that's funny....and I like to point out things that are funny and run with them.

I didn't weed out participants in the grand cherokee group, anyone was welcome and with the exception of a couple bad apples over the years, everyone was included and I remain friends with several of them to this day. But I also make fun of the ones that think grand cherokees are life. No different. Grand cherokee overlanders with patches-of-offroad-honor on their headliner? That's like chumming the waters for me.

I'm sorry I struck such a nerve with you dude. Of all people, I wouldn't have thought the guy who basically invented making fun of "overlanders" would be the one that would come to the defense of patch collectors. All I wanted was some patches to put on my new forklift because I think that's ironic and funny, while at the same time trying to point out, in my inflammatory way, that concept of collecting patches to show people where you have been is kind of a funny thing.
...I'm sorry I struck such a nerve with you dude. Of all people, I wouldn't have thought the guy who basically invented making fun of "overlanders" would be the one that would come to the defense of patch collectors. All I wanted was some patches to put on my new forklift because I think that's ironic and funny, while at the same time trying to point out, in my inflammatory way, that concept of collecting patches to show people where you have been is kind of a funny thing.

You didn't strike a nerve, I'm just trying to wrap my head around your passive-aggressive position here. Your quick to poke fun at folks that align with others because of what they drive but in fact are friends with many people because you met them solely based on what they drive. Would you like to be the pot or the kettle. You're just a closet Toyota guy, I'll be supportive when you're ready to open the door and quit being a bitter-bitch ;)
Maybe the part I'm not communicate well is that while I may have met some people at events that may have been vehicle (or activity) specific, I'm not friends with anyone BECAUSE of that nor do I play into any of the internal hierarchy because of how much of something someone is. We've known each other a long time, and I'm not accusing you of that either. I'm into camping and rock crawling, and it doesn't make any difference to me what you drive to do that and I don't need to advertise to everyone where I've been or what I've done for attention or respect. Maybe this particular habit of some people has become more prevalent with social media, in fact I'm sure of it, so maybe that's why it's more of a divisive topic to people that have been camping and 4 wheeling long before social media was used for conspicuous participation? Is that why you are so hard on the people who use the word "overlanders"? It's certainly a big part of why I am.

So I don't follow the pot or kettle colloquialism, and I while I may have been coy about my intent to make fun of patchists, I certainly don't think that qualifies as passive aggressive. I'd be friends with anyone that's good humored about what they do. However, obviously somewhere, either here or in some other point in time outside of here, I've done or said something to you that has brought all of this up. So maybe there is some passive aggressiveness going on, but if you need to clear the air with me about something, I mean, we've been friends for close to 20 years, just let me know what's up.