Went on a longer ride today, 230 miles total. I headed West from Fruita, up the 70 into Utah & exited towards Cisco. I took Highway 128 towards Moab, then turned up the dirt road onto Onion Creek. I quit counting the stream crossings after 15, I think there ended up being near 20, it was pretty fun crossing the stream that many times, I had to try not getting too wet. Riding up the canyon was amazing, there's some neat scenery up there.
After climbing into the flat, opened valley, the rocky road started climbing again pretty quickly and then dropped down some steep switchbacks. The road got nasty, I ran into some snow in the shadows and then... I saw something in the road... a cat?!? No, a Lynx! It was pretty cool, it didn't move until I got pretty close. It was just bigger than a house cat, grey, black & white in color. It had a bobbed tail, massive paws & pointed ears. First time I've seen a Lynx, thought it was pretty neat.
Eventually I crossed into the La Sal Natl. Forest. I
have to get back in that area, it's amazing! Huge pine trees, amazing views, etc! I stopped the bike & walked around the area as the road started to loose elevation. I saw some footprints from a massive wild turkey... I'd like to see that thing in about 4 weeks. :greg:
Back on the road again, I found an overlook into the valley I had ridden up. After not nearly enough dirt riding, the pavement picked back up again & I dropped down into the Castle Valley & Highway 128. I turned the bike to Moab for lunch & after getting into town I ran into Herzog, YellowBronco & BroncoMama... in the CarQuest parking lot fixin' the Bronco,
. Good to see you guys!