Balls to the Walls
- Location
- Salt Lake
RedBull_RockIt said:OK, here's the story I heard regarding Clay's leg:
Clay was chasing down that beautiful lady friend of his that also sports a wheelchair-type-ride. She faked left, Clay took the bait without looking, she dodged right. Too late to catch her smooth moves, Clay attempted a cutting brake turn but his quickee turned too quickee and Clay was facing a choice, take the simple fall he was due, or try a one wheeled turn and continue the chase. Our hero, not to be outdone by some girlie, leaned into the turn to counter the outside wheel roll and drove on in chase of said hottness...just as Clay returned to 4 wheels and was in position for a power-push that would surely overtake the lovely that was his lead, she dived her nimble chair down a right leaning leaning slope and increased her speed and advantage. Clay, already leaning right just after his big save, was caught off-guard leaning the wrong direction to traverse the slope and was quickly in need of a spotter rope to make the save. His trusty spotter was nowhere in sight so Clay used the one remaining trick up his sleeve...the FORCE. Eyeing his pray, our hero summoned all of his mental focus and utilising his force-pull powers, locked on to the savvy form and pulled her toward him. Still in his off camber slide toward fate, his tractor beam winched her ever closer and JUST as he lost his balance in the gallant chase, the move he had used to cause the two to come together was complete. They now both were in jeapordy as his current capsizing situation caused her to falter as well. He saw it in her eyes...the misunderstanding of what she was feeling...passion and vertigo combined to scare her, yet his eyes were assuring...I'll save you he thought. As they were still connected by the force, she heard his thoughts and was comforted. They crashed down together, the chase over in a tragic, but bittersweet ending as though they were together, he rest on the bottom with an injury not felt but understood...At that moment she looked at he, who had thrown his body under hers to soften the blow...she felt a reward for his capturing her and of his sacrifice was due...the MOMENT he'd been waiting for...their lips touched and he smelled her wait...she smells like milk bones???...he woke up, on the floor, bummed that it was the dog licking him...he fell out of bed...
Now remember, this story was second hand so some or all of it may be slightly incorrect...but knowing Clay and the stuff he pulls, I'm a believer! Right up until the dog part that is...I think that's a little too outrageous so I'll stick to the part right up to, "their lips touched..." and ditch the rest!
Get well Clay!