PiNk is IN!!!


!pELYgroso's wifee!
So... my husband "pELYgroso" first introduced me into the wheelin world about two years ago and I finally decided to get my own rig to out-wheel his own, (He laughs at the idea, but it will happen.) and to not have to ask permission to drive. And now that summer is on it's way the PINK THRASHER has been born!!! So when y'all see the Hot Pink rig dominating the trails and pickin up the extra credit, don't follow me cuz you won't make it! Ha ha. If there are any other awesome females out there with rigs give me a Holla!!!



That's sweet, ill have to tell my wife, were currantly building her second rig (comp cut geo tracker hot pink with a black exo skelletin cage) where do yall live? your not opposed to wheelin with some zuki lovers are ya we have 4 of them and still lookin for good deals! im changing my wife from a mall queen to a dirty wheelin girl its taken 5 years so far


Sgt. CulPepper
Welcome, Over Easter in Moab there was a pink Jeep with zebra stripes called the pink zebra. Looked pretty dam cool. My wife tells me she is going to buy her own rig and whoop on me to. But it sounds like you have a good jump on her because she does not even have a rig yet. From the sounds of you fiesty women I may have to keep it that way to so I don't look like an ass when she out wheels me and throws it in my face.


!pELYgroso's wifee!
That's sweet, ill have to tell my wife, were currantly building her second rig (comp cut geo tracker hot pink with a black exo skelletin cage) where do yall live? your not opposed to wheelin with some zuki lovers are ya we have 4 of them and still lookin for good deals! im changing my wife from a mall queen to a dirty wheelin girl its taken 5 years so far

My husband and I are from Lehi and we love meeting new people to go wheelin with so we'll definitely have to do that sometime. Your wife will have to bring her rig pink rig too! ;)


weeellllll, I'm not sure about the pink thrasher whoopin' up on my "Beast" but I'm sure she'll put up a good fight at least. haha. As soon as we get some tires for her we'll be hittin' the trails so we'll announce a run one of these days soon.