Poll: where are you on the land use continuum?

Which statement best describes your involvement with land use?

  • G1

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • G2

    Votes: 11 19.3%
  • G3

    Votes: 6 10.5%
  • G4

    Votes: 5 8.8%
  • G5

    Votes: 4 7.0%
  • G6

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • G7

    Votes: 2 3.5%
  • G8

    Votes: 1 1.8%
  • G9

    Votes: 12 21.1%
  • Other

    Votes: 3 5.3%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
not moab anymore
did you do the one for johnson valley.. it just had some basic topics and then you throw in what you want but i can see how one just typed of would be more effective than a genaric one


Poker of the Hornets Nest
did you do the one for johnson valley.. it just had some basic topics and then you throw in what you want but i can see how one just typed of would be more effective than a genaric one

I think putting out a set of "talking points" is the most effective way to get letters out, People have to write them themselves but people are referencing the same end result make a bigger impact.


Sandy, Ut
Volumes of identical or near identical letters don't do any good when it comes to public RMP comment. A chain letter that has 10,000 different signatures will still be counted as 1 letter when reviewed by the BLM for example. The BLM looks for quality not quantity when it comes to perceiving the opinion of public input. Thus as DOSS pointed out, establishing a series of talking points, maps, etc is a far more efficient and effective way to help folks write letters.
Volumes of identical or near identical letters don't do any good when it comes to public RMP comment. A chain letter that has 10,000 different signatures will still be counted as 1 letter when reviewed by the BLM for example. The BLM looks for quality not quantity when it comes to perceiving the opinion of public input. Thus as DOSS pointed out, establishing a series of talking points, maps, etc is a far more efficient and effective way to help folks write letters.


A great model to follow would be the U4WDA efforts spearheaded by Kurt Williams (cruiseroutfit) for the RMP public comment periods in late 2007 and early 2008. While USA-ALL publicly discouraged users from submitting comments (and didn't submit any comments themselves) and referred to comments as "useless", more than one final RMP cited last stage public comments as reasoning for tweaks to the final plans being implemented.


Wandering the desert
Hmmm where am I at on that scale? I was in every category at one point or another. Now I am finishing up a degree in Outdoor Recreation, interning with the BLM, and teaching Treadlightly to anyone who will listen in the small amount of spare time I have. I have chosen to try and effect a little change from the inside.

I think U4 has some great people doing what they can. I don't have time to volunteer, I am glad others can. I am always hesitant to offer suggestions when I can't head up a major project do to time (and distance) constraints, but if you wanna hear em I have a few ;)
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Well-Known Member
I read your recent change of focus on your website Curt. I wish I had the guts to do that. I'd LOVE to study outdoor rec someday. I just need to find a way to make money doing it.


Active Member
I think what's important is that the pool of G1s is diminishing in proportion to "not G1s." Really, all we need are G2s. If everybody who owns a 4x4 was a G2, there would be very little need for G3+.

I think that all G3+ primary focus should be moving as many from the G1 category to the G2 category as possible.

Personally, I do what I can, no more, no less, just like everybody else should, at whatever level they currently have time and ambition for.


Well-Known Member
I think what's important is that the pool of G1s is diminishing in proportion to "not G1s."

Totally agree!

However, even if we were all G2's, I think SUWA would still be trying to shut down our motorized access in the southeast. They even think G3-G9's are a problem, since we're disrupting nature by leaving our tracks behind, transporting seeds, plants, and mud to different habitats, and polluting the air with our vehicles' exhausts. Granted, I think they'd much rather we were all G2's over G1's, but they'd still want us to stop "destroying nature" with our vehicles.

I think even if everyone were a G2, we'd still find opposition from them.

But I totally agree that it's a good sign that we have 40 people who are G2's on up. I doubt anyone would willingly admit they were a G1 in this survey, but who knows.
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Active Member
Totally agree!

However, even if we were all G2's, I think SUWA would still be trying to shut down our motorized access in the southeast. They even think G3-G9's are a problem, since we're disrupting nature by leaving our tracks behind, transporting seeds, plants, and mud to different habitats, and polluting the air with our vehicles' exhausts. Granted, I think they'd much rather we were all G2's over G1's, but they'd still want us to stop "destroying nature" with our vehicles.

I think even if everyone were a G2, we'd still find opposition from them.

But I totally agree that it's a good sign that we have 40 people who are G2's on up. I doubt anyone would willingly admit they were a G1 in this survey, but who knows.
Yea, I know what you mean. But if the goal was proactively getting every 4x4 user to a G2 level. The vast majority of our problems as a recreation group would be solved. A majority of the arguments that anti-access groups make against our user group would also become moot.

There are how many 4x4 owners in the state of Utah? And how many of them use public land? The goal of organizations like RME/ Land Use orgs etc, etc, should be 100% compliance at the G2 level by all members of our user group, regardless of whether they belong to any "organization." Which, by default, should put each of us at a G3 level, soliciting MORE G2s. With all those G2s to choose from, maybe finding people who can effectively accomplish some of the more involved tasks wouldn't be such a chore.
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Feeding the Money Pit
Durango, CO
I guess I'm G9 as I'm land use officer for our club (Creeper Jeepers, Durango) and have at one time or the other done all of the above.

IMO one of the most important, yet somewhat painful is G4, the opposition is well funded by well meaning suckers from all over the country who will never see/use the land. If we don't step up to pay for the legal fight we'll lose.

I also think sixstringsteve has something, SUWA folks have a well paid job for life "fighting for the land". It wouldn't matter if everyone stayed on the trail and packed out all their stuff, if they "win" they lose.
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Well-Known Member
I like the idea of having a "pro-nature" stance, and seeking backing outside of the 4x4 community, just like SUWA has. Imagine if we had thousands of supporters who have never shifted a vehicle into 4wd, but who want preserve everyone's ability to explore utah.