

I fart sometimes
St George
i guess i spelled that right?? eh, oh well

so if you have been paying attention to any of my posts (probably not) i have moved from Roy to St George... the weather is nice, 70's this week.. i like it so far, but there isn't anything to do after work.. i dont know anyone, new place dont know where the cool places are to go or whatever

i am a salesman for work, i cruise around all day talkin to construction people. it's been pretty good so far, no jerks like in ogden/slc area... so far so good..

i guess i dont know where to look in ogden, because i hear they are up there too, but whats up with the polygamists??

it's not like i care what they do, really i dont care either way, if you want 4 women gangin up on you, be my guest..

should this be awkward?? it's not like i make jokes or act differently around them, but when non-poligamist people are working and have 3 people on a crew, and are doin good to have 3 people, and i pull up on polygamists and they have 6+++ people per crew, aging from 12-50 what am i supposed to think?? its obvious who they are...

it's just weird i guess.... not really used to it i guess.

all of them have been pretty nice to me, very polite and what not. i just feel sorta weird around them, maybe becuase it's just new to me or what??

i dont agree with what they do, but it doesn't affect me, and their money spends as good as anyone elses.......


ps, i hear the polygamists in ogden area are in finance, maybe thats why i dont run into them up there... wrong industry


Registered User
Saint George
there are alot of them down here. from my experiance they are all nice though. If you are ever curious, go hang out at the walmart in washington and just watch them shop. its interesting sometimes


yup they're all over down there. When I worked construction I did a Job in the Fillmore Beaver area :D that never stops being funny. Anyway most of the people working down there were polygamist I never really noticed untiil I started realizing everyone was related :ugh:


free loader!!
welcome to St. Dixie. Colorado city is not to far from st. george.
whe i moved down there with my broe. it sure was a shock, on time i was drivin from st george to kanab there was a kid I swear not a day older then 12 driving a grader he had blocks of wood tied to his shoe so he could reach the pedals..if you want to see lots of then try going to the washington wal-mart at night. i was reading some of your other posts my brother still lives in washington he is a wheeling SOB he killed the motor in his yoda but if you wanted to drive him he knows all the stuff, he knows lots of people that have sand rails, go playing with them all the time..hope you like it down there, P.S. there is a guy named red he has a salvage yard out by the internation dealer, lots of goodies hiding in his yard last time i was there i counted 8 international scouts and only a few toys, you have to know him he wont sell to just anyone.


Resident Stoner
a cloud of smoke
I've never met a polygamist personally but I don't really care. It's their religious beliefs and they're just as crazy as any one else's. That's not meant to be a diss to religion, I have my own religious beliefs, but when you think about it objectively every idea is just about as crazy as any other. If the guy can support however many wives and the wives don't mind sharing (ew), then I don't see the harm.


Well-Known Member
Enoch, UT
Chiksic said:
It's their religious beliefs and they're just as crazy as any one else's. That's not meant to be a diss to religion, I have my own religious beliefs, but when you think about it objectively every idea is just about as crazy as any other.

Well said.
If you realize ALL religions are cults, why do people follow? I cannot believe how many people have faith in something so silly. (Religion) I cannot even talk about Religion with someone without laughing. I don't care either way what people believe in if they keep they’re opinions to themselves, and not try to make me believe, or make me not drink, or tell me I'm bad for not following they're beliefs, or whatever. Some of the most crooked people I know are Mormons, in fact some of the best people I know have no Religion. Polygamists are no sillier than Mormons, Catholics, Baptist’s or whatever. (Sorry, rant off)


I fart sometimes
St George
oh ya..its not like i look down on them or anything, it's their deal, i will let them do what they want...

its just kind of shocking to see how many there are.. i can't beleieve it...

deffinatly a different life-style than i want, but hey


Formerly YJMAMA
Magna, UT
I used to work in a retail store is Salt Lake. There was this old polygamists guy who would bring his sons in every time we got a new female employee. He would drop hints to see if any of the girls might be interested in his sons.


Smooth Gang Founding Member
there is nothing wrong with feeling weird about things that you are unfamiliar with.
religion isn't for everybody, and to each his own. i think it would be weird to not have religious beliefs, but that is just because it is what i know. i am not at all saying it is wrong to not be religious, it doesn't really matter to me. some of the things people do like smoking/drinking/drugs are much harder for me to understand than other religions or no religion. but, like i said to each his own.

polygamy...i can barely handle one woman in my life, let alone 3 or 4 :eek:


Parts Collector
You'ld be surprised at how many there in right in Salt Lake. I used to read gas meters for Mountain Fuel, and covered most of the nieghborhoods in the valley, and they were everywhere. There's a whole comunity of them right off 900 west in Glendale where they take up whole city blocks.


Well-Known Member
I can barely handle one wife and am in trouble 50% of the time. Who the hell would want to multiply that by a factor of 2-5 or more times? :eek: :eek: Polys are nice people, but weird. -_- Like to find that Jeffs character myself for the reward. Thing that burns me is people that still assume today that polygamy=Mormons/LDS :mad2: .


ask me if I care
next door
I'd have to agree with jeepinjoe, I am not a active church go'er and havent been for some time but I have met a lot of people on my military travels and when they find out I am mormon they always go straight to the pologamy questions.


muleskinner said:
If you realize ALL religions are cults, why do people follow? I cannot believe how many people have faith in something so silly. (Religion) I cannot even talk about Religion with someone without laughing.

Cult: according to Merriam-Webster online =2. a system of religious beliefs and ritual; also : its body of adherents

ALL religions are cults. For some reason, people put a negative connotation on the word CULT, although, like referred to above, it is only another word for religion.

Isn't this Country great!! We can worship how we want- to include not at all. We can go door to door to profess our Religion- legally, although we don't have to be exposed to it at work or school if we don't want. We can even poke fun at others for their beliefs and not be killed for blasphemy.

Thanks Veterans, and happy Veterans day to all!