Pony Express Route Run Feb.25-26th


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2nd Annual Chilli Express with Moabjeeper.com and Utah Offroad and Outdoors Club. Full details here: http://www.utahoffroad.com/upcoming.aspx

The 2nd Annual Chili Express Run. We'll start Saturday morning in Lehi, and head west on the old Pony Express Route. We'll follow various trails for about 130 miles northwest around Dugway Proving Grounds. From there, some of the group will camp, others will head to Wendover for a night in a motel, and the rest will take I-80 right back to Salt Lake.

This will be a fun ride and if you miss it, you will be kicking your self in the butt while viewing the pics from this great trip!! If you need more details get ahold of Scoutabout or Moabjeeper.com