Poor Product Descriptions

? The way I'm reading that as the water tank doesn't interfere with your stock gas fuel filler? Not that it plugs into your stock gas filler?
I too believe that it is only stating that it doesn't make you relocate your gas filler. And that you have to come up with your own design to fill it.
It's a direct quote from their gas tank description. As I read that one it makes me understand that the new gas tank uses the factory filler. So this water tank would then do the same.

Gas tank description:


Anybody else run across copy and past? It's all over Genrights site. I understand that some items may be similar, but if I am going to buy something off a website based only on the product description, it better be understandable. If I am going to spend $1000 on a water tank I better be able to know just how it works. It's not like I will be able to go to the next meet and greet and check out someone else's genright water tank. No one has it. No, I'm not going to buy one, I'm just using it as an example. They are very nice looking tanks though.

that is all. both make clear sense. the water tank allows you to still use your oem filler neck but it also states your on your own to fill the water tank(does recommends ways) and the fuel tank uses the oem filler neck but you have to remove the sway bar. the products are so similar that the descriptions almost have to be similar. one holds fuel for your car the other holds water for you. simple

that is all. both make clear sense. the water tank allows you to still use your oem filler neck but it also states your on your own to fill the water tank(does recommends ways) and the fuel tank uses the oem filler neck but you have to remove the sway bar. the products are so similar that the descriptions almost have to be similar. one holds fuel for your car the other holds water for you. simple

Awesome reply...

I can see the confusion.
On both products if you look at the overview picture (Sorry for the scrolling)
They both look the exact same (From the top) including the filling nozzles. From the pictures alone i would say that they are both suggesting to use the gas filler to fill the tank (s).
Just something i noticed.