Price 5-26-07

Hey there, not looking to steel the tread but you guys seem to know the area well!! Im looking for some feedback on Judgement Day. I ran it last year & had a great time. I was curious if of how the trail is holding up? Is it still pretty tough, getting stacked up, dug out, easier, tougher, ect....? I am looking at a trip to Price in two weeks. Also I was wondering what would be next in line as far as difficulty if we were running for two days? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

I haven't looked at JD for at least a year now. Let me know when you guys are going, I'd like to join again. You're group was a lot of fun to wheel with
you know I don't think I have ever taken any one on our two water fall trails except for wayne. The one is Steel horse and the other is upper pinnacle both are pretty short and we could do them in one day and it's never to hot in the summer . We 'll have to plan something when jks gets his junk going.

Upper Pinnacle (I thought it was Pinnacle II? ;) )...Anyway, it was a fun trail!!! I really liked wheelin' up in Price - I just wish I would have taken more advantage while I was there.