Project- more power!


Registered User
Spanish Fork, UT
You can do it. I'm at 1500, which is my goal. I agree 100% with your education comment. I have had to learn a ton to do this. When I first started I met with a nutritionist, she said "you can out eat any exercise program, start with your diet".

I have assigned myself to a 1300/caleries a day. So far I am averaging 1500. I am trying to get down there but its more of an education part for me. I need to know the foods I should be eating but I am getting there.


Active Member
Orem, UT
With this in mind, I'm down from 324 to 310. started this month. No soda, and started eatign better, and less. now just recently started adding cardio. 30-60 mins per day. Feeling great, hoping to be down to 225 (or less...) by next Christmas, in a size 34 waist and a xl t-shirt. maybe i'll start a thread to keep my progress updated. You sir are an inspiration.


Well-Known Member
You can do it. I'm at 1500, which is my goal. I agree 100% with your education comment. I have had to learn a ton to do this. When I first started I met with a nutritionist, she said "you can out eat any exercise program, start with your diet".
When you met with a nutritionist, did she tell you about how many calories you should be taking in? or did she give you a formula? My wife is doing a program from a guy in our church and I have been doing it along with her. Not eating the greatest/healthiest but I am trying to cut my calories down. He has a formula that is based off of your weight. Actually not really a formula, just taking your weight and multiplying by 10. That puts me around 1800 a day, and then he said to take in a little more due to the workout and cardio. Of course the cardio and calories are what I struggle with so I am gaining muscle but not loosing a ton of weight because of it.


Wandering the desert
So this thread re-inspired me. I've cut my calories from I don't know how many to 1200-1300 a day. I also cut out wheat as much as possible, not because of the gluten, more as an experiment, I'm down 10 pounds in the last two weeks, and don't feel as bloated in my stomach area (which I attribute to cutting out wheat). I started increasing my workouts, and I'm seeing more definition in my shoulders and legs already. Another 15 pounds and I'll feel "worthy" to get back on my mountain bike again.


Well-Known Member
Layton, UT
Since last Feb I'm down 20lbs, which was my goal, and I've kept it off. I'm hitting it harder now, I have 17 to go before my kid comes in 8 weeks. Portion control, no snacking, and exercise. Can't wait until it warms/melts enough to get back on my bike.


Well-Known Member
Another thing to add, the point of starvation is 1200 calories which at that point your body starts to store fat, so being at that amount you can actually do more harm than good. Or so I have been told.


somewhat damaged
I also cut out wheat as much as possible, not because of the gluten, more as an experiment, I'm down 10 pounds in the last two weeks, and don't feel as bloated in my stomach area (which I attribute to cutting out wheat).

That's because of the gluten. It's the direct cause of inflammation and bloat. I know it sounds like a fad diet thing, but cutting out modern gluten is actually a very good idea and there's a reason it's catching on fast. Modern wheat isn't anywhere close to what our ancestors used to eat. That and not to mention that most all breads now are extra loaded with sugars.

If you have joint pain, cutting out gluten will surprise the shit out of you.

I'd highly recommend anybody picking up the book called Wheat Belly. Fascinating information in there.


Wandering the desert
That's because of the gluten. It's the direct cause of inflammation and bloat. I know it sounds like a fad diet thing, but cutting out modern gluten is actually a very good idea and there's a reason it's catching on fast. Modern wheat isn't anywhere close to what our ancestors used to eat. That and not to mention that most all breads now are extra loaded with sugars.

If you have joint pain, cutting out gluten will surprise the shit out of you.

I'd highly recommend anybody picking up the book called Wheat Belly. Fascinating information in there.

I've been looking at his blog, I've heard a lot about our modern wheat, and it is very unsettling. I feel better, my head doesn't feel as foggy (I have hypothyroidism so I'm usually foggy) and it's a small sacrifice for feeling better.


somewhat damaged
I've been looking at his blog, I've heard a lot about our modern wheat, and it is very unsettling. I feel better, my head doesn't feel as foggy (I have hypothyroidism so I'm usually foggy) and it's a small sacrifice for feeling better.

That's awesome! I gotta say, I was super skeptical about it all until I tried it. I thought it was going to be tough cutting it out as well. You have to watch out for the "non-gluten" replacements because even those are still loaded with junk and high sugars. But yea... off my box for now. :D


Well-Known Member
I would cry like a little baby if I couldn't have wheat products. I wouldn't be able to live with celiacs disease.