Which way is more pressure to the brakes, way to less pressure. Searched and can't find it.
lewis Fight Till You Die Location Hairyman May 8, 2011 #1 Which way is more pressure to the brakes, way to less pressure. Searched and can't find it.
MikeGyver UtahWeld.com Location Arem May 8, 2011 #2 Are you asking which way you should turn your valve for more (or less) pressure? Knowing which valve it is would be helpful for starters
Are you asking which way you should turn your valve for more (or less) pressure? Knowing which valve it is would be helpful for starters
lewis Fight Till You Die Location Hairyman May 8, 2011 #3 Sorry, lots of assumptions there. Its an adjustable aftermarket one similar to this
MikeGyver UtahWeld.com Location Arem May 8, 2011 #4 Just in case I'm psychic though: http://www.wilwood.com/PDF/DataSheets/ds488.pdf "Rotating the adjuster knob clockwise until it is all the way in will provide full pressure delivery to the calipers. Rotating the knob counterclockwise will incrementally reduce line pressure up to 57% when the valve is fully out." *edit: ha!
Just in case I'm psychic though: http://www.wilwood.com/PDF/DataSheets/ds488.pdf "Rotating the adjuster knob clockwise until it is all the way in will provide full pressure delivery to the calipers. Rotating the knob counterclockwise will incrementally reduce line pressure up to 57% when the valve is fully out." *edit: ha!