Providence Canyon -- Sat. 10/10

To qoute Rot Box
Sorry I can't go wheelin' because I have to work...
I tried every know tactic to man but, even bribery. I now must admit defeat.
Maybe next time?
At least I have the entire Deer hunt off so I should get my fill then.
How did your work schedule end up working out? Do you have all day or do you need to be back early?

No work for me Saturday!!! :greg:

I tried every know tactic to man but, even bribery. I now must admit defeat.
Maybe next time?

I have used up all my excuses, bribes, trickery and cons. I now am at the mercy of the production schedule :( Next time for sure just say when!
Just went up to the quarry and everything looks pretty dry. I'm sure there will be snow up by the rodeo grounds. It's gonna be chilly in the morning!
On my way home from work I was able to experience the trill of passing you guys going the opposite direction on main. All I could do is sigh as I watched the mud covered trucks go down the road.::-\Now, Lets see some photos and hear the stories!:greg: