I should continue to preface these by saying I grew up in a hunting family, and do own guns myself. But I'm also for responsible gun laws (common sense stuff).
I'm sitting in a diner in rural Washington, and watch this 80+ year old farmer get out of a car. He didn't drive, I assume because he could barely walk and had the shakes (I apologize if that's a disrespectful term... Not sure what the medical condition is called). Homie also has an open carry pistol with extra clip around his waste, and and a second setup around his leg.
That dude would certainly need all those rounds because there is no chance he could hit anything... So my question is, is this responsible gun use/ownership? He's not making me safer, and my toddler could disarm him and take his guns. If you can't physically drive a car safely, can't hardly take your own glasses off, do you really need to be carrying guns around like that?
I guess maybe he open carries because he's seamed unable to responsibly use a firearm so they wouldn't allow him to have a concealed? Is that a thing?
I guess sitting here I wouldn't even know what law to change, other than just enforcing common sense. It just seems so silly
I'm sitting in a diner in rural Washington, and watch this 80+ year old farmer get out of a car. He didn't drive, I assume because he could barely walk and had the shakes (I apologize if that's a disrespectful term... Not sure what the medical condition is called). Homie also has an open carry pistol with extra clip around his waste, and and a second setup around his leg.
That dude would certainly need all those rounds because there is no chance he could hit anything... So my question is, is this responsible gun use/ownership? He's not making me safer, and my toddler could disarm him and take his guns. If you can't physically drive a car safely, can't hardly take your own glasses off, do you really need to be carrying guns around like that?
I guess maybe he open carries because he's seamed unable to responsibly use a firearm so they wouldn't allow him to have a concealed? Is that a thing?
I guess sitting here I wouldn't even know what law to change, other than just enforcing common sense. It just seems so silly