question regarding listing built rigs on ksl


Formerly black_ZJ
I was wondering if you guys have had better luck just listing a built rig in the general cars section or in the RV/rock crawler section when selling?


Well-Known Member
Supporting Member
For some reason I thought you had to list it in one or the other or risk having it deleted, thanks for the info.

I haven't listed anything on KSL for a while, but when I did, they were being super anal about double posting and almost banned me because I would repost after they deleted it. I called and complained they were singling me out when I saw hundreds of others doing the same thing, but then I said screw it and stopped posting anything there. I would still double post, but beware of re posting a bunch if they do delete your ad.


Pretend Fabricator
if its a street driven rig list it in the regular car ads, if it is a buggy or a really built rig that isn't streetable list in the rock crawlers... I hate scrolling through 20 pages of underbuilt rigs just to find a damn buggy listing.


Registered User
Orem, Utah
If I double post something. I stagger the listings by a week. KSL will only usually bother you if you someone complains. No ones going to remember your listing a week later in another category.