Random dumb question about being in a state...

You have to visit the state's information page on wikipedia and look at the postcards while at the airport before it counts.

Depends, I think some states are best visited by a lay over :D
I have not heard of any redeeming qualities of Illinois so I would say yes...count it. You had to breathe the air, call it good.

You shouldn't have to suffer through a lame state just to say you dun did it yall!!
For me it would depend on whether I wanted to go back.
Airports count, they have gift shops with pictures and special instate products.
...Sometimes just the airport makes you never want to go back. I saw the Eiffel Tower as I was taking off out of Paris, and thats the last experience I ever want to have in France.

For the purposes of buying magnets to brag about the places you've been. And in the spirit of wishing to avoid "legitimately visiting" a place as described above...

Why would one want to brag about having visited a place they simultaneously want to avoid visiting? If you visited an airport and hated the place enough not to want to return, wouldn't you want to brag that that's the one place you DON'T have a magnet for?