Real Estate agent


I seem to remember some RME guys being agents,

The wife and I are looking to upsize...bigger garage:D...And want to get a feel for the market to see if it's even possible to sell right now with all the foreclosures and short sales on the market. We're in no rush I'm planning on sprucing up our current place before we put it on the market.

Soooo if you are an agent PM me so we can chat:D


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There used to be another person who was a paid vendor here...but I don't see him in the vendors area at the moment. Maybe it lapsed....

I could actually use an agent too. I'm semi actively, mostly passively watching for a deal to pop up for a 1-2 bedroom condo in the downtown area. I had a friend who had me set up on the MLS so it would send me new and/or updated listings with my criteria, but she has since taken a job in Idaho and the auto emails stopped. That's all I really need, and if anything ever looks good to me then we can go take a looksie.


Registered User
Salt Lake City
It was a fun deal. They actually bought the building that houses a Taco Bell. They got a great deal on the building and the lease option with taco bell is great too.
It's all about what people know what people.




The wife and i met with an Agent Friday afternoon with intentions to call you afterwards, I like to use RME to conduct as much business as possible.

After the meeting and reveiwing a market analysis we've decided to stay where we are for now. I thought the market had recovered a bit:rofl: We appraised at $185k 2 years ago, I asked the appraser to appraise as low as possible in hopes of keeping taxes low. We owe @ $99k now and we were thinking if we sold and walked away with $70-80k we'd upgrade but looks like we'd be lucky to walk away with $50k right now:ugh:

Plan now is to remodel and try to pay it off in 10 years, give it to the kids, they'll be in college by then, and move to a differant house then...I'll keep you mind if you're still around;)