Really need some help with putting on my rocksliders ASAP

check it out

ya i mite just measure them that weld them and coat them before welding them on my truck, might have to run up to Fireed's pad more then one day if that ok with him :)
I have 6 jack stands I can take 2, 2 ton 2, 3 ton and 2, 12 ton.

I think that four should be sufficient. We'll need to set the parallel rail section in position on the stands to eyeball the angle. Once we figure that out, I'd like to set up spacers on the workbench to give the same angle and allow the welding to be done there.

Steve, refresh my memory, is that section of frame rail straight or angled at all. Specifically, when you did yours, did you have to set different angles or length for each leg?
If they were all the same then we can do what I said above. If they were all different, then it gets interesting.

ya i mite just measure them that weld them and coat them before welding them on my truck, might have to run up to Fireed's pad more then one day if that ok with him :)

That's fine, welding them to the truck should take less than an hour, we can play it by ear.

Those mounting plates also give you the option to bolt them on as well. That way you could move them to another truck at a later date if you wish.

There are massive flame battles on the welding forums the moment anyone suggests welding on a frame.
The claim usually runs " that material is heat-treated/ hardened/ endowed with magic powers/ composed of a rare isotope of unobtainium, and by welding on it you ruined the frame".
Quite entertaining, actually. Go to weldingweb and search on "weld frame" and you'll see.
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Steve, refresh my memory, is that section of frame rail straight or angled at all. Specifically, when you did yours, did you have to set different angles or length for each leg?
If they were all the same then we can do what I said above. If they were all different, then it gets interesting.

Tacomas are pretty close to a straight frame, except for the front-most leg, that one is angled. I remember the 3 legs in the back being within 3/16" of each other.

Personally, I wouldn't bolt them on, I'd weld 'em.

Trokita, let me know if you want pictures of how mine are mounted, I think they're the perfect angle as well as the perfect amount sticking out. If I had to do it again, I would have moved my sliders back another inch, since I tend to hit them more on the back half than the front half.
No, the frame is level all the way across, but the front part of the frame bends inward, so the front leg will have to be longer than the rest. Horizontally, the frame is totally level.
Hey Trokita,

If you're still wanting to do this then let's get some times firmed up. If you'd rather do it a different weekend, that's good too (although I'm out of town next weekend). Just let me know so I can figure out what I'm doing this weekend. (PM me)

