Red Rock Wilderness Bill keeping steam


Formerly Beardy McGee
In one sentance, how does establishing 3x's the current amount of wilderness Utah, if anything, boost the local economy from tourism?


Santaquin, Utah
I agree with rep. Rob Bishop "If Congressman Hinchey was serious about protecting lands in Utah, he should try to work with Utahans instead of trying to go around us."

Don B

formerly rebarguy
Southern Utah
America's Red Rock Wilderness Act is not going to go away.

It will keep coming up until it passes or it is substituted for something else.

We need long term strategy to fight this rather than just reacting when it is in the news.


Well-Known Member
Kaysville Utah
My sister is drafting up some letters to mail since you cannot leave them on his web site. Here is the rough draft any opinons?

Dear Mr. Hinchey:

* *A brief review of your website indicates that you are "proudly representing the 22nd District of New York." *Such a statement leads me to question why you feel it is your business to push legislature that has no immediate effect on you or your constituents. *Please pardon my confusion, but I fail to see the connection between your responsibility to represent a section of New York and the daily activity that occurs on land in Southern Utah.

* *As a born and raised citizen of Utah, I am greatly dismayed by your recent measures concerning America's Red Rock Wilderness Act, H.R. 1925. *I am particularly concerned with your letter of November 10, 2009 to Interior Secretary Salazar. *Let me be clear, in case you were mistaken, you are not my elected representative, nor are you an elected representative of any Utah citizen. *Please explain to me how your election by the people of New York warrants you to act on behalf of the people of Utah with regard to the land located in the state of Utah. *Try as I might, I cannot find anything democratic about what you seek to do.

* *Have you considered the effect that such a measure would have on Utah's economy? *Certainly, since you are so determined to pass this bill, you have done your homework and understand the vast number of both large and small local businesses that would inevitably close as a result of this land closure. *I am certain that I need not remind you of the struggling economic conditions nationwide; it would be a foolish decision to further inflict financial hardship upon the citizens of Utah by closing the land which brings in large sums of money and is a boon to the economy each year.

* *I must ask, have you ever been to Southern Utah? *Have you ever taken your mountain bike on Slick Rock Trail? *Have you spent a few moments chatting with strangers at the top of Hell's Revenge? *Have you ever chanced to mountain climb or take a scenic jog through the beautiful area? *I doubt that you have because if so, you would not wish to close this area to the public. *It is a gorgeous place with something for everyone. *My husband and I are young and do not have the financial means to take expensive vacations. *However, with the beauty of Moab just a short drive away, we do not wish to travel anywhere else. *A trip to Southern Utah is both affordable and enjoyable. *We cannot wait until we have children that we can take down there to experience the beauty of this place. *Unfortunately, it is your hope to close this area down, to limit it to walking access only. *If that were allowed to pass, how would those who are physically unable to walk and carry themselves going to enjoy this precious area of Utah? *

* *An additional concern with merit is the effect that this land closure would have on other recreational areas in the state. *A sweeping closure would cause great over population in the remaining recreational sites. *No, we do not need to lock up this land under the guise of protection. *We need to take the time to educate the public on smart and responsible recreation. *We should devote our time and money, not to closing this area off, but establishing programs for learning and teaching the public what a great resource this area is and how we can enjoy in a safe and responsible manner.

* *Regardless of the disagreement in policy that you and I may have, I implore you to leave this issue to those who it truly concerns, the Utah State Legislature. *I can assure you that they are concerned with what we, as the citizens of Utah, need and desire of our public land. *And they, unlike you, are more concerned about the constituents - who actually voted them into office - in their own state, rather than those located 2,000 miles away. *In fact, our own Representative Rob Bishop, R-Utah said in a statement, "since they can't achieve their goal of locking up millions of acres of western land through an open and transparent democratic process, they're now trying to use back door, undemocratic rules and regulations to lock up public lands. *If Congressman Hinchey was serious about protecting lands in Utah, he should try to work with Utahans instead of trying to go around us." *I urge you to take his advice.

* *Also, with regard to your website, if you seem so intent to influence those of us here in Utah, at least let us contact you via your website. *It would seem only fair if you are going to restrict the zip codes that can contact you, then you ought to restrict your politics to only those zip codes as well.

* * * * * * * * * *Best Regards,

* * * * * * * * * *Blair Christensen


Formerly Beardy McGee
It would seem only fair if you are going to restrict the zip codes that can contact you, then you ought to restrict your politics to only those zip codes as well.

I like that line
Federal land is managed for the benefit of the entire country, not just the local population. That's not to say anything in support of what's happening, but "we live here, you don't" is not a sustainable strategy for defeating broad Wilderness designation.


RME Resident Ninja
Supporting Member
West Jordan
I really, really don't like Hinchey... Don't even know that much about him, he just creeps the hell out of me.

I'm his Facebook friend. ;)
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Formerly Beardy McGee
Thanks to shitty local media, John Q Public and his family think that the last rally was about creating more trails, to which, the SUWA rep (who actually had more air time than anything having to do with the rally) talked all about how the hot exhaust from ATV's causing fires to tall grass.. and that the fish are dying because the ATV'rs ride through the rivers killing all the eggs..

Thanks local media. Spin spin spin..