Red Rock Wilderness Bill keeping steam

Well what are we going to do short of taking baseball bats to tree huggers?

Definitely not doing that. That won't work either.

If you read everything I wrote for U4WDA and USA-ALL, you'll see some of my ideas.

In general, I think:

1. Terms like "tree hugger", "environazi", and "anti-access" hurt more than help. Promoting the idea that our problems are the result of some other group or some outside action which we cannot affect is a crutch that prevents us from truly protecting motorized access on public lands. This mindset is not your fault. It is the fault of the pro-access professionals who forward this skewed thinking as a fundraising tool that rallies the base and keeps them employed*. I liken it to what Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton do to black people. They keep themselves relevant by convincing other black people that their problems are caused by the system and not their own personal actions.

2. Which leads to this: The OHV community needs to take responsibility for the loss of access we're faced with and work proactively on solutions to prevent closures.

3. The OHV community needs to admit that the percentage of "bad apples" causing resource damage is more like 70% instead of 1-2% as usually promoted. Where do I get this number? Sit trailside on a busy Saturday and watch what happens.

4. The OHV community needs to target a larger share of resources towards converting the 70% of irresponsible users into land stewards instead of wasting money on symbolic lawsuits, lobbying without effect and reactionary defenses instituted at the tail end of the closure process. Lobbying, lawsuits and last minute attempts to stop closure can be effective when you have the influence and resources necessary to accomplish these tasks. These things are certainly not wasted, but in the current state of our movement, resources allocated to these efforts are wasted. It's like dropping a single drop of red food coloring into an olympic sized pool and expecting all of the water to turn red. It takes buckets, not drops. We're no where close to that. So, let's put our resources where they can have an impact and then build on that success and expand our influence. Researching the history of the NRA is a good model. The NRA didn't start by opening a lobbying office in DC.

5. Understand that land management agencies do not exist to provide us with recreation opportunities. First and foremost, they are in business to protect the resources under their care for the benefit of the country now and in the future. When that mission is threatened, other activities such as energy extraction, timber production, livestock grazing AND recreation are off the table completely.

6. Fill the "management gap", which is something I've written about a lot. Given #5, who is more vested in keeping recreation opportunities open? The land managers or the users? The users. We need to be much more active in helping underfunded and undermotivated land managers do their jobs. That's peer enforcement, volunteer projects, constant and active interaction with land managers, user education, and public/private fundraising partnerships. Look at what MFFW and RR4W do in Moab. Look at what CC4x4 does in Kanab. Look at what FOTR does for the Rubicon. These user groups are filling the management gap and protecting existing routes while gaining opportunities to create new ones. These are models to follow.

Comments in this thread have pointed out what rallies have gotten us. Spun media coverage and opportunities for other groups to attack motorized recreation instead of an opportunity for us to defend it. We cannot rely on someone else to preserve our access. Motorized recreation is not a ballot item that influences politicians. We've got to take the responsibility ourselves, work together and seek proactive solutions years before problems arise.

That's just a quickly written part of my overall opinion. I don't represent any group. Parse it and pick it apart, or just read it for the jist and think about some of the points.


Footnote added via Edit at 11:54PM:

*I did not and do not mean to suggest that ALL pro-access professionals are at fault for promoting a skewed view of the issue for their own gain. This view has come about due to the progression of the overall motorized recreation access movement and as an effective method for raising funds.

Again, just my opinion.
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JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
The state could simply ignore the legislation, fire up the oil wells that have been closed and tell the Fed to back off or they will receive no taxes from Utahns. The Fed is only as strong as the states let them be.


Well-Known Member
Payson, AZ
In theory I'm of the same opinion as JL. However, as most of us who have taken a college math course know all too well, in the real world theory rarely helps solve the problem. Since I (unfortunately) live in the real world Steve gets it exactly right. (And with a surprisingly small amount of bitterness I might add. Well done! :D:D)


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
It reminds me of the phrase, "We have met the enemy and they is us." or something like that. What are we doing to better our situation?
Are we using existing roads and trails except in open areas?
Are we policing the areas we ride in and reporting those that abuse?
Are we letting our elected officials know we are concerned?
Are we writing letters to the editor expressing our concerns?
Are we actively helping agencies, State and Federal, with trail maintenance and constant contact to show that we are concerned?
Do we sit back and just make comments on RME?

I have been four wheeling for 43 years and spent 40 of those years trying to keep trails open and can truthfully say, THE ENEMY IS US.
Do we sit back and just make comments on RME?

I was trying to build an organization that would work on all that stuff. But it turns out that it's more important to have hat pins, organize fun-runs, and put political correctness over performance and accountability. So now I just make comments on RME, and try to wheel as much as I can before it's all gone.

JL Rockies

Binders Fulla Expo
In theory I'm of the same opinion as JL. However, as most of us who have taken a college math course know all too well, in the real world theory rarely helps solve the problem. Since I (unfortunately) live in the real world Steve gets it exactly right. (And with a surprisingly small amount of bitterness I might add. Well done! :D:D)

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and not a theory. A federal system of government is beholden to the states that created it and is not a theory. Our birthrite is not a theory.

Ignorance and fear is what allowed the Fed to grow out of control. This bill goes far beyond trail closures.
I uh, don't think Jack's comment was a personal attack on you Steve.

I didn't take it as such. Jack is my friend. I just pointed out why I no longer do anything for land use other than commenting about it on RME. Only some of the rumors are true, I am an a**hole.

The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and not a theory. A federal system of government is beholden to the states that created it and is not a theory. Our birthrite is not a theory.

Ignorance and fear is what allowed the Fed to grow out of control. This bill goes far beyond trail closures.

Roads being protected by RS2477 rights is also not a "theory", it's the law. However, there's yet to be a successful defense of a right of way under RS2477. Things don't always work out as we think they should on paper. I suspect using "state's rights" as a defense against mass closures will not be valid.

Again, totally my own opinion.


Well-Known Member
Payson, AZ
The Constitution is the supreme law of the land and not a theory. A federal system of government is beholden to the states that created it and is not a theory. Our birthrite is not a theory.

Ignorance and fear is what allowed the Fed to grow out of control. This bill goes far beyond trail closures.

In the real world the implementation of that theory would require the equivalent of succession. I don't see that happening today, tomorrow or anytime soon. If someday it did...........I refer to the muskets and cannons vs. machine guns and missiles comment. :D And yes, at that point the "fed" (or all the rest of the states-whatever you want to call it) WOULD have the balls, just like they did in 1861.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Right on Sami and Steve, maybe if we make enough comments someone will have enough understanding as to what is going on. The big picture, we are stumbling or being led to a socialist state. Of course in a lot of ways we are a socialist state now. If you want to know what four wheeling will be like in the future just look at Europe. You can go only where they say you can go, when they say you can go, and you pay for the privilege unless you are of the aristocracy and you go on your own land or the government land set aside just for your use.
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Well-Known Member
Kaysville, Ut
Anyone else get this letter?

There are some good points here but we need to continue to contact our representatives and let them know that this is worth fighting for.


  • SUWA.pdf
    285.1 KB · Views: 13


Sandy, Ut
There are some good points here but we need to continue to contact our representatives and let them know that this is worth fighting for.

Canned response he sent out to all that commented. Matheson did a similar reply.

At this point I think eventually the letters will stop getting any attention. And when there is not current legislation on the table (which there is not right now after the hearing), I'm not sure a letter campaign is even warranted to Congress. If anything we should be writing the BLM director (US) and the Department of Interior (and related lawmakers who oversea the DoI) and ask that they not try and underhandedly start designating WSA or enacting any similar practices.