Where is 78Mitsu/Nosty. Is he going to flop back to the other side?
5 bucks says he calls his "NASA" buddy that works at the walker station to double check haha.
I guess the only logical argument against the plane flying is if you over-read the question. It was written to say that the wheels were spinning the exact same speed as the treadmill--only in the opposite direction. Technically, if the plane were to take off, the wheels would be spinning much faster that the treadmill (treadmill speed + airplane speed). If the wheels were spinning the same speed as the treadmill then the plane wouldn't be moving--but not because the jet can't propell itself. So depending on how it is worded, and how literally you take the wording, an argument can be made saying the plane can't fly.
But, physically, the treadmill wouldn't stop the plane from taking off. So it comes down to a semantic question.