renting out my car hauler


By endurance we conquer
I've been thinking about renting my trailer out to those on here who need to get somewhere for the weekend but don't have a trailer. It mostly just sits in my back yard. I know when I have needed a trailer I would have loved to rent one for less than they cost at ace or wherever. Is this a stupid idea. Most people I know would take care of it, but there are always a few jerks. If I used someone elses trailer I would fix what I broke if anything. I don't want someone to use it and me get a pile of crap back. I don't really want to make a lot of money or anything. Mostly I would like to keep up mantainance and tires and such, while geting people out of the bind I was in for a long time. any insight?


...I just filled the cup.
That's a great idea but like Wally said you need something to make sure you don't get screwed for your kindness. I will be needing one at some point and would love to rent one instead of buying one for the few trips I would make per year.


too poor to wheel... :(
Layton, Utah
I would be willing to rent it once in a while but more then likely the times I would want to rent is right around EJS and you would probably be wanting it... but yeah get a contract as to who is responsible for what if there is a problem... this is very important!


Registered User
I will be in need of renting a trailer in a month or so and then again over thanksgiving. I think its a great idea as long as you make sure the renter knows if they break if they fix it.


Fight Till You Die
it has never failed for me that when i have rented out my trailer to friends, people from work,neighbors and siblings, it has always come back broken with no one willing to fix it and so I am stuck with it.


Registered User
Ogden, UT
You may want to look into whether additional insurance would be needed or not, just to cover your a$$ if something happened.


it has never failed for me that when i have rented out my trailer to friends, people from work,neighbors and siblings, it has always come back broken with no one willing to fix it and so I am stuck with it.


Never loan/rent a trailer


Resident Thread Killer
I don't really want to make a lot of money or anything. Mostly I would like to keep up mantainance and tires and such

If you're not looking to make much off it, don't rent it out. No matter what, you will have wear and tear that just goes with normal use. So what if it just sits in the back yard, it's ready to go when you need it. I'm not saying to refuse people use of your trailer for emergencies, but if you want it to be nice and reliable when you need it, save the main usage of it for yourself. JMHO.


By endurance we conquer
Now you can see why it is such a dilema. It seems cool in some ways but crappy in others. Coreshot has a good point. I do want to make some money ,however, that way when wear and tear comes up I will be able to afford it. I just know when I called to rent a trailer last trip to moab the price was rediculous. Anyone know of a good way to write up a contract that will stick? I guess I could have the contract and a copy of the persons drivers license or something. Maybe a deposit. How much would be a fair rent?


2 cents

I'm conservative, but I think I would be very careful. The contract is a good idea, but at the end of the day it will probably cost you more money to take them to court than fixing the trailer yourself. I would only rent it to people that I was confident were willing to fix what happens to it such as blown out tire, bearing etc.

Having said that I would love to rent a trailer and I would take care of "maintenance issues" that might happen while I was using the trailer.

It would be worth while to check into how rental places deal with abuse of their equipment. I think its a dream to say there will never be a problem.


Well-Known Member
I think you are crazy to rent or borrow a trailer. No matter who it is, best friend, uncle, buddy, cousin, stranger, etc it will get ruined and you will be left high and dry when it comes time for you to use it. Trailers are expensive to up-keep when they get used a lot. Repacking/replacing bearings, replacing tires, replacing brakes, etc all add up very quickly...especially when you are having to do it many times a season.

Like I said originally, you are CRAZY to even consider it. You know there is a reason trailers are so expensive to rent. ;)

Rick B

S.E. Utah Native
In todays litigation happy society, why would you consider putting yourself in a position to get sued? If something goes wrong the renter could decide it was your fault & want to sue, if it's involved in an accident other parties could decide the same. Personally, I wouldn't put myself in that kind of position.


Registered User
Idaho Falls
I think it could work. The contract would need to clearly state that the renter accepts all liability. I think you would also need to collect a huge refundable deposit, maybe $500 or $1000 dollars. The deposit should be cash and the contract should state that you alone decide if and how much the renter gets back. Some people would probably be scared off by the strict terms of the contract, but those are the people you didn't want renting the trailer anyway.


Registered User
Arm Utah
I've loaned trailers to friends and have gotten them back broken. In fact my enclosed has 2 holes on the side from when a friend took it. He did buy the panels to replace the bad ones, but that's as far as it went.

Prepare to do a lot of maintenance. BTW, what coverage will you have if someone rents it and looses a bearing and hub unit, or a tire?


Registered User
I rented a 16' tandem axle flatbed from Diamond Rental for $35/day. Had trouble getting the same price a second time (during the spring), but showed them the receipt and they were cool. :cool:

Seemed like a reasonable price to me. All the other places I called were $50+/day. :ugh:


Registered User
I've toyed with this idea several times myself. Bottom line is don't do it unless you're willing to accept the fact that it may be stolen, wrecked, beat to hell, etc. Do you have the time/money/etc. to take someone to court if they damage it and refuse to pay? Contracts only protect you as far as you are willing and financially able to enforce the terms. In my opinion, in order to protect yourself you would need a business license and insurance to protect your trailer and its use as a rental, which would probably prove to be more cost and headache than it would be worth.

I know where you're coming from with wanting to help people out, but in the end someone will stick it to you. It's just what happens to nice guys that try to help people.