Riding Necessities

Rot Box

Diesel and Dust
Supporting Member
Smithfield Utah
^ He actually hit a sharp rock hard enough to pinch it on a long steep climb. He said he heard the rim make the high pitched 'ding' sound and it was all over lol :D


Finding Utah
Supporting Member
I have one and love it, you hardly notice it's there. I used to ride with a Camelback for my tools, camera, etc... all the weight was hanging off my back. The Flight Vest keeps the weight all spread out and close to you, plus it's nice & snug, so it doesn't bounce around. I love the Flight Vest!

Do you ride with the Flight Vest over your ballistic jacket? Seems like a lot to have on. I like to keep minimal when I am within walking distance to Safety. I usually ride with a camel back and a cell phone. (not advised...I'm not normal!). I would like to try one for more remote rides (I do carry stuff for these)


I run a tight ship... wreck
Do you ride with the Flight Vest over your ballistic jacket? Seems like a lot to have on. I like to keep minimal when I am within walking distance to Safety. I usually ride with a camel back and a cell phone. (not advised...I'm not normal!). I would like to try one for more remote rides (I do carry stuff for these)

Yes, compression suit first, then Flight Vest over the top. The compression suit doesn't feel heavy or bulky, the Flight Vest is heavy with the 100 oz. bladder filled with water, but once you throw it on and tighten it up, it's very comfortable. Like I said, I hardly notice it's there.

Most of my rides are fairly remote and I've been known to pack too much stuff. I've done the bare minimum thing and I like the feeling of being better prepared, with tools, water & snacks. ;)


I live my life 1 dumpster at a time
So Jo, Ut
I disagree with you disagreeing.... :p

:rofl: I had almost this exact same response typed up and never hit submit. :)

I had to ride out 15 miles on a rear flat last year. My tire was destroyed, knobbies missing belt wire hanging out. Not fun.

I respectfully submit that I am not ever going to be as intense as you fellows, and that my tube changing skills must be severely lacking.. There is not a chance I could change a tube on the trail with my mini irons..
I will have to start riding more with you guys, and my tube needs will be covered :D