RME Hanging Tree Run, Aug 17th!


Burn-barrel enthusiast
Supporting Member
As our group was working up the final waterfall up behind us came a kid and his sister in a YJ. Maybe a 2” lift and 33x10.50s. Probably lockers but who knows. Dana 35 and 30. He was alone. We pulled him up the waterfall but he made it to the bottom. His jeep was clean. I noticed no body damage.
Why you gotta call me out like that?!?

I seriously thought about taking my YJ, which is quite similar to what’s described above, but then I remembered I stopped driving it because the steering is giving me trouble. I think the pump may have failed.


I run a tight ship... wreck
@Bart & @UPNO4 .... I'm assuming you guys are going to drive down from UT valley the morning of? What time would you prefer meeting, 8 or 9 AM? I like an early start, so we can get out before other trail traffic, since it's not easy to pass on that trail... (but understand you have a couple hour drive.)

I'm going to stay in Salina or Ephraim, if I can find a room somewhat nearby.

We can meet and unload here - https://maps.app.goo.gl/CCz8k49JRmeMLGKf6