Official RME Receives Award Plaque from Grand County Sheriff Office for 2011 PSH Cleanup

With great honor, RME has received a plaque from the Grand County Sheriff's Office.

We dedicate this to everybody who has donated and helped out on the ground over the years of this cleanup effort! Just goes to show how far and appreciated our efforts are. Way to go RME'rs!

Also HUGE thank you to Rusted here on RME who has been the front runner in planning and excuting the donation drive and communications between the Sheriff's Dept and BLM over the years!


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It is great to see that the efforts are not going unnoticed. Congrats to me and everyone else that made this happen!:thumbs:
That really is quite amazing of the Grand County Sheriff office to give all of us the plaque, everyone that has donated money or spent their time cleaning up Potato Salad Hill should be proud to receive this recognition from the Sheriffs office and you all should know that a piece of that plaque is YOURS!

I am thankful to the Grand County Sheriff office's for presenting us with that plaque because every year after EJS, they thank us for the funds raised for the dumpster and porta-potties, plus the boots on the ground cleaning up Potato Salad Hill. We do all that we can to pass this thanks onto our members, but this really says it all and in a much better way than we can say it. So each of you folks that have helped with donations and time, I will echo the Sheriff's Office... THANK YOU for your generosity and support!!

Keith (Rusted) puts in countless hours making this happen, without his help, the annual PSH Cleanup wouldn't go nearly as smooth as it does. So Keith, thank you for your time and efforts, I know it seem trivial at times, but your effort doesn't go unnoticed!
This is great. Thanks to RME, U4, and everyone that helps or donates. Big thank you to Grand Co. Sheriff's, you guy's do a great job. I know it's a big sacrifice especially at EJS, when Mike can't be on the trails with us