Northern Utah RME Snow Run?

I'm officially out on this one. Have fun guys.

It's because @mesha is going to be there, isn't it? The two of you can't be in the same place at the same time.

For that matter, has anyone actually seen @mesha and @Rock Taco together? I don't think it's possible. Which leaves the only possible question: Which one is the superhero, and which is the awkward alter-ego? :spork:
Coming up on Saturday. Yesterday's storm should make for some decent snow out there. Supposed to be a nice sunny day on Saturday too, as of now at least. I could use some bright sunshine, myself, even if it's cold.

Who's planning on making it?

I found out recently that my fuel pump died after the last trip so unless I get that replaced in time, I’m out
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Will this be a trip that returns to where it starts? I'm considering but would be trailering and wouldn't want to backtrack too far. Especially if everyone else continues on.
I found out recently that my fuel pump died after the last trip so unless I get that replaced in time, I’m out


Will this be a trip that returns to where it starts? I'm considering but would be trailering and wouldn't want to backtrack too far. Especially if everyone else continues on.

Yeah, we'll either come out right at the same spot, or not far from it. Just depending, but we might head up over the Sheeprocks and see what it's like up in Horse Valley. That would bring us back out maybe 6 or 7 miles from the meeting spot.

I want to but I'm not to sure I want to push my front locker and bust the casing bolts out again.

No worries! Just don't use the front locker, or don't push it. Snow is pretty forgiving that way.

Stupid question but how is cell service out that way?

I'm not sure. But I'm afraid cell coverage is probably pretty good. I hate that...

Wish I could make it, need to test out the newly built GX, but I have to work. :(


I found out recently that my fuel pump died after the last trip so unless I get that replaced in time, I’m out

On your buggy? Isn't it just an external pump?

I think you'll be fine, but I would avoid using the locker unless you need to. I lean will tow you home if you break.

I think there's an argument to be made that there is no additional stress on the locker case, whether it's locked or not. In fact, it might be easier on it to be locked. (just harder on other components, and hard to steer)