Rock Crawling

Is there any interest in rock crawling competitions like UROC used to do years ago?

  • Participating as a spectator

    Votes: 50 46.3%
  • Participating as a competitor

    Votes: 49 45.4%
  • Participating as a sponsor

    Votes: 1 0.9%
  • Participating as a Judge

    Votes: 8 7.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .

Mead, WA
It seems that there is some interest in an event in Delta. The poll indicates enough competitors for a small event. Not many spectators or sponsors. Any thoughts on classes?

I wasn't able to check more than one box; but I would be interested in being a sponsor.


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Any thoughts on classes?

would it make any sense to run,1) buggies, 2)xj/zj/etc (unibody), 3)cj/yj/tj

Something like that, buggies will do lines that no one else wants to do, keeping the unibody kids together will welcome more of them to play, the cj/yj/tj group can play on similar lines so you are putting drivers against drivers versus rig against rig.

I guess we would need a group for yotas just to keep Sami from whining... :D

Any thoughts...

Craig S

Delta, Utah
Keep the ideas coming. The more competitors the better.

would it make any sense to run,1) buggies, 2)xj/zj/etc (unibody), 3)cj/yj/tj

Something like that, buggies will do lines that no one else wants to do, keeping the unibody kids together will welcome more of them to play, the cj/yj/tj group can play on similar lines so you are putting drivers against drivers versus rig against rig.

I guess we would need a group for yotas just to keep Sami from whining... :D

Any thoughts...


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Keep the ideas coming. The more competitors the better.

not to say its the best idea but look at what Big and Lil rich have done, the unlimited and modified class for the big boys and magazine coverage, but they have also added the toy and rhino classes for people who don't want to run against the big boys or make that $$ comitment. But they still get the chance to compete and get hooked...

If you take this a step further you could get sponsors for each class, trailgear and other yota people for the yota class, whoever for the unibody class, etc. You could almost have a suspension sponsor, body armor sponsor, etc. for each class

This would open the door to sponsorship opportunities being opened for little companies who can't sponsor a whole series but they could be the roof rack sponsor for the xj class and maybe offer some cash and prizes to the winner.

I guess the idea is to bring the manufactures and the customers together in an enviroment to show off what they have but it is not SO EXTREME,

I have put buggies in places that a semi stock xjs will never go, but the reason I can do it is the buggies have more money in hem-joints than stock xj guy has in all of his modifications together. Bring competing down to a real level...

All this being said, Craig if this works, I don't want to pay entry fees ever... :D


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
The rock racing hasn't been too popular in Delta in the past. It's something to consider. Anybody else interested in rock racing?

this is true but you have to get a schedule out there so we can see it and work it in and you need a reason for us to be there. Money, magezines, prizes, etc

Don't compete with we rock, xrra, rock cross, etc for time. Make it a weekend when folks can come and watch/compete without conflict. ie if my sponsor want me in Phoenix to compete in front of the magazines I won't be in Delta.

Another idea is to do a trail run along with it. Make a weekend of it like Cedar city used to do, the color country guys would have a run one day and the comp guys would play the next. Fill up the hotels and the resturaunt while you are at it. Bring some money to your town, let the local guys sponsor something like donuts at the sign in or something.

just a couple of ideas, I used to love memorial day in cedar city, but I think that was ARCA (American Rock Crawling Assoc.) back then... :D


Suddenly Enthusiastic
Exactly the opposite of everything Jinx said. :D Schedule it at exactly the same time as WEROCK or XRRA so you can keep the normal competitors out and keep it a fun event for the average recreational wheeler. When UROC started it was very attractive to me because it WAS NOT ARCA. I didn't really want to compete on that level at that point. As it progressed I progressed with it, but I have always missed those first couple years when UROC was really casual and FUN. Keep the money and professional competitors out of it. Keep it casual, easy, safe, cheap, and FUN!


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Exactly the opposite of everything Jinx said. :D Schedule it at exactly the same time as WEROCK or XRRA so you can keep the normal competitors out and keep it a fun event for the average recreational wheeler. When UROC started it was very attractive to me because it WAS NOT ARCA. I didn't really want to compete on that level at that point. As it progressed I progressed with it, but I have always missed those first couple years when UROC was really casual and FUN. Keep the money and professional competitors out of it. Keep it casual, easy, safe, cheap, and FUN!

bring the volunteers and don't b!tch when they mis-judge something because they are volunteers.

The money/prizes have to come from somewhere. Events can't be run if all the entry fees go as prize money, unless sponsors pick up something...

I agree in making it so joe public can compete, but the casual, easy, safe, cheap really equals cheesy... :-\ or at least it would be nothing I would drive 100 miles into the middle of nowhere to do, unless it had a trail run associated with it. :D

I like idea of driver vs driver instead of rig vs rig. That is one way to keep the BIG money out. Put your ability to drive and your strategy to work...

this discussion about easy going comps is kind of like church basketball, sounds great but unless the other team is pushing you it isn't all that fun.

If you are going to charge entry fees and have prize money or prizes, people will want to take it serious. Even if the entry fees are $25-$50 you need to make it worth the risk of doing $500 damage to your rig. (I say $500 because anything you do is potentially $500)

Having a local low key comp is cool and I really like the idea but unless someone is going to donate a lot of time and or money. it needs to at least cover costs.


when in doubt, upgrade!
So Jordan, Utah
Exactly the opposite of everything Jinx said. :D

Side note: Are you talking about the racing events or the classes? I had two posts... ;)

I can understand the you wanting to keep the comps small and such, but if you are trying to run a big name race event you need to make it so people who WILL compete can attend.



Vanilla Gorilla
Here are the basic problems with competetion as it sits.

1) It's expensive to prep a vehicle for competetion to make sure driver/spotter is safe and to make sure spectators are safe.

2) It's expensive to haul the damn things around on trailers...diesel is going to flirt with 4$ a gallon this year in most cities.

3) For me, rock-crawling is like while participating...boring as hell to watch. You might solve this with the rock-cross format....I don't know.

4) Things that entertain are psychotic driving, roll-overs, and breakages...all of which are extremely expensive for competitors.

Money money money....that is what it all boils down to!


Here are the basic problems with competetion as it sits.

1) It's expensive to prep a vehicle for competetion to make sure driver/spotter is safe and to make sure spectators are safe.

2) It's expensive to haul the damn things around on trailers...diesel is going to flirt with 4$ a gallon this year in most cities.

3) For me, rock-crawling is like while participating...boring as hell to watch. You might solve this with the rock-cross format....I don't know.

4) Things that entertain are psychotic driving, roll-overs, and breakages...all of which are extremely expensive for competitors.

Money money money....that is what it all boils down to!

Im not much of a football fan, but maybe rockcrawling and football are alike in that respect, but millions of spectators that show up in the stands and watch monday night football on tv would dissagree. Ive seen tons of spectators show up to watch rockcrawling events, who have never rockcrawled themselves..that would mostly depend on marketing which has a cost.
I do agree that crazy driving, roll-overs and carnage bring the average spectators back, but it was the thing that drove me away from the comps.. I thought it was lame to see seven rigs in a row tumble on the same side hill obstacle. which became a recovery-fest. I would compete if I had a chance at winning some parts credits, accesories, tires or such, Id risk some breakage or rollovers if it wasnt the constant standard.

In alot of ways I think Money is a big factor, Id do it like the Richfield comp was last summer, charge the spectators a few bucks, charge the competitors $25 for entry and a t-shirt and let some sponsers like 4wheel parts pay for the prizes such as the winch I won. let volunteers such as u4 members run things and then anything left over after expenses could go to U4WDA.

If it were done like this I would participate as a competitor and a sponser, and give certificates for store credit in my shop.

Mead, WA
Im not much of a football fan, but maybe rockcrawling and football are alike in that respect, but millions of spectators that show up in the stands and watch monday night football on tv would dissagree. Ive seen tons of spectators show up to watch rockcrawling events, who have never rockcrawled themselves..that would mostly depend on marketing which has a cost.
I do agree that crazy driving, roll-overs and carnage bring the average spectators back, but it was the thing that drove me away from the comps.. I thought it was lame to see seven rigs in a row tumble on the same side hill obstacle. which became a recovery-fest. I would compete if I had a chance at winning some parts credits, accesories, tires or such, Id risk some breakage or rollovers if it wasnt the constant standard.

In alot of ways I think Money is a big factor, Id do it like the Richfield comp was last summer, charge the spectators a few bucks, charge the competitors $25 for entry and a t-shirt and let some sponsers like 4wheel parts pay for the prizes such as the winch I won. let volunteers such as u4 members run things and then anything left over after expenses could go to U4WDA.

If it were done like this I would participate as a competitor and a sponser, and give certificates for store credit in my shop.

I agree. The Richfield event last summer had a ton of people watching. That was a 'race' course, not crawling. I think Sarge did a great job on the mic and kept the people interested, too. The Price event is a great time, but I've never seen that many people there. Granted, I've been there 2 of the 4? years it's been put on. Two years ago, there was gaining crowds, but then a sand storm pushed everyone away. But the Price event is just like the Richfield event. Small spectator fee and competitor entrance fee to pay for the event (insurance, etc), volunteers for the judges/extraction and then sponsors for the prizes. I think it works pretty well for those groups of people that attend. I don't think in either event I saw professional rock guys, though. Richfield there was the Stumph's and I think that was it? Alot more guys in their DD 1 ton trucks and etc giving it heck.


sugar house
i havnt talked to jason about this but id be interested in having mountain yoats competing/setting up a all toyota rockcross class if there are enough toyota owners interested

ive been in a few of the mini comps held at the delta location and they were way fun! id like to see more.
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