

Suddenly Enthusiastic
Dont think anything is out of line. Just commenting because there is another RL thread right above it.

Hey, it's your bandwidth:greg:

The two threads are regarding two different issues that two different customers had. Totally valid reson for having two different threads.

Assuming there is a new owner of Rocklogic, they really should be on here doing damage control and trying to salvage the company's name. If there is not a new owner, Seth really needs to complete any outstanding business left with customers and vendors.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
You should tell your buddy to come on here and handle his business.

Since you're so passionate about this issue, you should do something about it, hero.

I am not defending RL or Seth's actions in any way. Understand that in the auto business,this is the norm. Unfortunately so, but true. The current economy is exacerbating the issues facing consumers and vendors. It is probably too late to recover any assets from RL. Once the state, federal and local dues are subtracted and then add whatever lien holders are involved are compensated, or at least attempted to, there will be nothing left. Most will be S-O-L. Ask yourself, how may recouped money from creasey?

In my experience, if someone owed me money or was holding my property, I wouldn't sit on my hands for weeks/months to do something about it.It doesn't get better with time. I remember when I was 20 going to a vendors shop and loading everything on his shelves into my bronco. Locked it in storage until he paid me. What took me weeks of asking ended up getting paid in three days.:sick:


Sandy, Ut
...Understand that in the auto business,this is the norm. Unfortunately so, but true. The current economy is exacerbating the issues facing consumers and vendors...

As someone that's been directly involved with said industry and done business with 100's of shops all over the country including nearly every 4x4 shop in Utah, this is NOT the norm. Is it the first shop to go out of business, of course not, is it the first shop to scam customers and vendors, our course not. But it is by far the minority, in fact its the one and only customer that has done it to me. Most dissolve the business in an ethical and honest way, that was not the case here.

...In my experience, if someone owed me money or was holding my property, I wouldn't sit on my hands for weeks/months to do something about it.It doesn't get better with time. I remember when I was 20 going to a vendors shop and loading everything on his shelves into my bronco. Locked it in storage until he paid me. What took me weeks of asking ended up getting paid in three days.:sick:

Hindsight is always 20/20. Its not like I didn't make attempts, dozens of calls, stopped by to find nobody there, etc. I guess the best thing would have been to start an thread here on RME sooner. I think all the victims didn't realize there were others, I figured he sincerely kept forgetting to mail off the check or legitly lost the invoice and needed me to mail another. Add to that his sad happenings with his children and I figured it was worth giving him the benefit of the doubt. Had I know there were dozens of others being fed the same lines & lies, I would have made a renewed effort to resolve the issue. Quite honestly until the first thread popped up here on RME several weeks back, I didn't know he was in trouble, in fact the last time I spoke with him on the phone he was telling me a check was coming soon and he needed to pickup a suspension kit for his 80 Series, again no signs of trouble.


Registered User
Since you're so passionate about this issue, you should do something about it, hero.

I am not defending RL or Seth's actions in any way. Understand that in the auto business,this is the norm. Unfortunately so, but true. The current economy is exacerbating the issues facing consumers and vendors. It is probably too late to recover any assets from RL. Once the state, federal and local dues are subtracted and then add whatever lien holders are involved are compensated, or at least attempted to, there will be nothing left. Most will be S-O-L. Ask yourself, how may recouped money from creasey?

In my experience, if someone owed me money or was holding my property, I wouldn't sit on my hands for weeks/months to do something about it.It doesn't get better with time. I remember when I was 20 going to a vendors shop and loading everything on his shelves into my bronco. Locked it in storage until he paid me. What took me weeks of asking ended up getting paid in three days.:sick:

If Seth was such an outstanding guy, how come he does not have a website with more information, or a note on the door letting these poor guys who have worked hard for their money know where to pick up their rigs and parts, or even a valid phone number where they can call? How come he changed his numbers, does not respond to email, etc Not even a communication to these customers who want their equipment back. A polite phone call to say "I had a problem, the new owner will contact you soon". Why does it appear that he is hiding from his mistakes and not trying to undo some of his mess?

So my statement still stands, you should tell your buddy to come on here and handle his business. :)


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
If Seth was such an outstanding guy, how come he does not have a website with more information, or a note on the door letting these poor guys who have worked hard for their money know where to pick up their rigs and parts, or even a valid phone number where they can call? How come he changed his numbers, does not respond to email, etc Not even a communication to these customers who want their equipment back. A polite phone call to say "I had a problem, the new owner will contact you soon". Why does it appear that he is hiding from his mistakes and not trying to undo some of his mess?

So my statement still stands, you should tell your buddy to come on here and handle his business. :)

Uhm are you a total tool or what? Are you literate? Try reading sometime......

Goat never stated that Seth is his buddy so I have no clue where you got that. As for what Seth is doing if you could read you would see that everybody here is in the same boat trying to establish communications with him to get their stuff back.

Do use a favor and either shut your hole or leave the board. It's more then obvious you are a troll looking to stir the pot.
First of all, welcome to RME yoyojoe! It's a swell place with the random douche bag, but still great nonetheless. :)

Onto my second point: This all bullsh!t. Why is anyone even defending RL at this point? If anyone thinks Seth has somehow remained untarnished through out all this "mud slinging", why aren't you on the phone with him right now telling him what's going on here on a PUBLIC FORUM. It would seem to me that if he was indeed innocent, he would want his side of the story to be heard. That is another part of the story that intrigues me though. It has been mentioned that he got taken for quite a bit of money from customers and had no recourse. Are you freakin' kidding me? I don't think so. I'm a business owner and in the construction industry to boot. Have any of you ever tried to go after someone whom you dug a ditch and laid gas line for and then they refuse to pay you? Let me tell you, if it's not a new construction that you can put a lien on, it's damn near impossible. You will notice that I didn't say completely impossible. There may have been a time or two that we have showed up with the backhoe ready to rip the customer's gas line out of the ground. They never paid us for it, therefore it still belongs to our company. :) Funny story, we got paid. Who knew it was that easy? :eek: There are ways to get your money and if you're self employed, you know them. ;)

Along the lines with being a business owner, I can also tell you that this isn't an honest man's way of closing down the business and handling his affairs. The U-Haul truck was first mentioned in a conversation I was a part of back at the start of November. This wasn't a "sudden" decision. You know good and darn well how your business is going and there are a multitude of appropriate ways of closing your doors or "changing ownership".

And just for the record, I don't know Seth from Adam.


Well-Known Member
Uhm are you a total tool or what? Are you literate? Try reading sometime......

Goat never stated that Seth is his buddy so I have no clue where you got that. As for what Seth is doing if you could read you would see that everybody here is in the same boat trying to establish communications with him to get their stuff back.

Do use a favor and either shut your hole or leave the board. It's more then obvious you are a troll looking to stir the pot.
Let's stop with the personal attacks. Yoyojoe has made some valid points and has done it without attacking anyone. If you can't argue a point without personally attacking someone then maybe you need to take a break.


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
I don't see me attacking another user. I asked him a few question regarding his ability to think and use his brain. For anybody that can read it is clearly obvious that everybody here has not been able to contact Seth. Also no one here has stated they are friends with Seth or have the ability to contact him. Yet this guy wants to blast the users of the board about getting ahold of Seth and why, does he have business with Seth? This board and it's users have nothing to do with Seth or his business.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
So my statement still stands, you should tell your buddy to come on here and handle his business. :)

Seth is not my "buddy". I have never stated this or have I come to anyone's defense. You can't possibly be that dense.


This paragraph is just my opinion and is not directed to anyone in particular:

Why would someone like Seth give a flying f@wk what is being said on RME? Do any of us seriously believe what is being said on here makes any impact on his decisions? I'm pretty sure that the issues with customer parts/money is just the tip of the iceberg, and are truly on the back burner of his "to do" list. Someone mentioned picketing his house??? If you know where he lives why wouldn't you go over and collect instead of prancing around with some fruity sign:tara:

I would buy parts at the carquest next door, and stop by RL to see what was up. When the doors weren't locked, there was just one guy there and NOTHING on the walls or shelves. That was months ago. It was pretty easy to figure out that things were going south. If one were a little more active in following up on someone that owed money, they may have been paid.

Broncomama is right. At the first sign of trouble, I would have been down there with at trailer for my rig or parts, and collected on whatever was owed. One way or another.

Good luck recovering any assets.
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Mead, WA
I'd start with filing a police report - go down to the cop shop in his area and insist on filing one. Then go down and talk to the gals at the courthouse about filiing suit in small claims court or district court if it's a high value case. They can give you all that info there....


Sandy, Ut
...When the doors weren't locked, there was just one guy there and NOTHING on the walls or shelves. That was months ago. It was pretty easy to figure out that things were going south. If one were a little more active in following up on someone that owed money, they may have been paid...

My past due invoice is more than "months ago" old. I've heard every story in the book. Lesson learned.

Again in hindsight I wish I would have been more on the ball about collecting, but thankfully the rest of the companies I've worked with don't have the ethics of Seth and have fulfulled their promises. Remember I'm not mad that Seths business went under, I'm not even mad I'm out money, I'm mad that Seth personally lied to me over a dozen times. Would I do things differently the next time, sure, this has been an expensive lesson for myself and many others. The sad part is Seth just set back not just his own name along with the strong name that Rocklogic once was, but the entire 4x4 community. Customers will likely think twice when they prepay for parts or before they commit to a long term build.


My past due invoice is more than "months ago" old. I've heard every story in the book. Lesson learned.

Again in hindsight I wish I would have been more on the ball about collecting, but thankfully the rest of the companies I've worked with don't have the ethics of Seth and have fulfulled their promises. Remember I'm not mad that Seths business went under, I'm not even mad I'm out money, I'm mad that Seth personally lied to me over a dozen times. Would I do things differently the next time, sure, this has been an expensive lesson for myself and many others. The sad part is Seth just set back not just his own name along with the strong name that Rocklogic once was, but the entire 4x4 community. Customers will likely think twice when they prepay for parts or before they commit to a long term build.

This is true of Rocklogic, but its also true of quite a few shops struggling right now. as a buisiness owner myself I understand your concern about how other peoples shady practices can effect your relationship with your potential customers.. I hope the best for you guys and hopefully our economy will rebound soon and maybe you will come out stronger when the weak has been weeded out.


Back from the beyond
Roanoke, VA
Remember I'm not mad that Seths business went under, I'm not even mad I'm out money, I'm mad that Seth personally lied to me over a dozen times.

That I can totally understand. If you don't have the money, just say so, and make arrangements. Being lied to about money would always set me off-_-

Oddly enough, I had good experiences buying parts from RL, and they did a good job on my cage. However, I did not pay up front, and made clear what my expectations were. I have been burned enough times to not trust many people when it comes to $$.


I'm no lawyer, but from reading all the posts and it is not a good situation. Just because you go bankrupt does not mean you automatically get out of all your financial obligations. And if it's true that parts and rigs are missing Seth and all those involved could be looking at multiple felonies for each missing vehicle/project. Now do you see why he is hiding, he could care less about your money. I would imagine he is doing everything he can to avoid the police so he doesn't get served.


Random Quote Generator
Supporting Member
I don't see me attacking another user. I asked him a few question regarding his ability to think and use his brain. For anybody that can read it is clearly obvious that everybody here has not been able to contact Seth. Also no one here has stated they are friends with Seth or have the ability to contact him. Yet this guy wants to blast the users of the board about getting ahold of Seth and why, does he have business with Seth? This board and it's users have nothing to do with Seth or his business.

You're obviously a literate non-tool, so I don't need to get into the business implications of having a brand with a terrible reputation, being run by a person who has a reputation of being less than reliable, in a particularly competitive market with a relatively static customer base in a small geographic area. Seth knows this, and he has demonstrated in the past that he does care what this board thinks of RL. yoyo might have been jumping on the pile a little bit, but honestly until Seth comes and gives his side of the story there is really no reasonable way to defend him without coming off as one of his buddies.

But honestly if you're just feeling antagonistic and want to get keyboard confrontational with someone just for the sake of entertainment, I happen to know a guy that really enjoys it :D


I am the Brute squad
South Salt Lake
No I was just saying to YoYo ( or whatever) that he needs to get a clue as to what is going on if he wants to join in. Him telling Goat "to get his friend on here" repeatedly and not even knowing whether Goat is friends with him was annoying me. In all honesty I can say I never truly liked Seth I could careless if his business goes under. I always found him to be a bit shady and this comes as no real surprise to me. I would be pissed off as a customer if he just went and disappeared with my rig or products that I know I purchased.

I understand hard times, crap can happen quickly. I'm currently going through some rough times myself but to just disappear without informing people or allowing people to come and get their stuff is just wrong. I would be at the County Courts in no time flat and bringing legal action down on him. I would find his home address and be knocking on his door everyday till I got my stuff back.

It's a shitty deal all around and he is just handling it very poorly but that has been said over and over again.