Rose Canyon


Sandy, Ut
tc meiser said:
no it is on private properperty... ;)

Who owns the property?

Rose & Butterfield canyon are not open to OHV travel to my knowledge (with the exception of vehicle traffic on the main road). I would love to know where legit trails are in the area.

It would be great if someone was willing to call SL County and start researching the possibility of opening some OHV trails in the area. If anything, let them know we are interested... Anyone?


Registered User
I live about 5 mins from the base of the two trail heads. Right off of Rose Canyon in a new subdivision. I went up there last winter and got stuck. I heard some guys coming up the road after me and they were stuck too. We got him unstuck and then we got me unstuck. I haven't ventured off the main road so I don't know if there is anything hard out there.

I know that there is some private property up there. Is that where some fun stuff is? I would love to check it out sometime as I am literally 5 mins away.

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
I also live 5 minutes away if that, Rose Crest Subdivision. I was looking to build a home in Rose Canyon, and to my knowledge most if not all of that canyon is privately owned (not by one person). You can purchase anywhere from half an acre all the away up so 26 acre parcals (at least when I was looking for land last year about this time even.).

From what I was told while looking at property most of the land is privately owned and the rest is designated as open space (horse, hiking, no motorized vehicles). I was also told that if you venture onto one guys property he gets very angry and sends out his boys and calls in the law on you for tresspassing.

further up in and over the ridge is camp williams so I am thinking that the main road is all that you are really allowed on, unless you obtain written permission from the owner of the particular lot and/or parcal you are playing on.

I think it was sometime in February of this year they finally tore down that old round house that was attracting all the attention of the haunted house seekers (it was post on the inet with directions), and everyone in the area kept complaining about all the tresspasers as well as the traffic.

So I am doubting many are friendly to people just showing up and making their own trails etc.

I am contacting SL CO. about this to verify my posting of this message.

Bone Down

Well-Known Member
Rose & Yellow Fork Canyon

Okay! What I posted above is true about Rose Canyon it is all privately held and if you are cruising around off of the main roads you are tresspassing on some ones private property.

I was not aware of this until I spoke to SL CO Parks and Recreation / SL CO Park Operations / Herriman City there is a Canyon called Yellow Fork Canyon some where off the main road (Rose Canyon Road), but this is also off limits to OHV as well.

So wheel at your own risk (tresspassing is illegal), but keep in mind your actions effect all of us and how the public views off oroaders as a whole.


Registered User
Riverton, UT
I was up Rose Canyon about a month ago. Pretty muddy. I went all the way up to the gates, and noticed a trail off to the west. It went up a pretty steep hill. I hopped out and walked it a little way, and that place is trashed. Trees knocked over, car parts strewn about, just a general embarassment. I would hope that anyone going up that canyon would resist the urge to take that off-shoot trail.


New Member

I know I'm REALLY late on this post, but the left fork of the canyon is private starting about 100 feet from where the road forks, it is posted and is heavily patrolled. A new gate has been added even further down the property to prevent more trespassing, I can tell you from experience that if you are caught in there or even drive past the house at the fork the police will be called and you will be cited. No warnings


New Member
well yes, four years too late. I'm actually the onle who posted it and erected the gate, I just thought I would save someone the cost of a ticket and a trip to court as a result of bad advice.