Salazar backs off Wild Lands


I'm working on it Rose
Price, Utah
Salazar has announced today that he is backing off his order to the BLM to manage "Wild Lands". This is a victory for multiple use and we all owe a huge thank you to Rep. Bishop for the work he has done on defunding this in the last continuing resolution, that alone had the greatest impact on this decision. Be sure to make comments on the SL Trib story in support of the decision.

Make comments on the SL Trib story here


Active Member
More on this:
Release Date: 06/10/11
WASHINGTON – As a follow-up to the memo issued last week and as part of his push to build a bipartisan wilderness agenda that can be enacted in the 112th Congress, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar today asked Members of Congress for their ideas of “crown jewel” areas of public lands that have strong local support for permanent protection as Wilderness under the Wilderness Act...

Doc Hastings, Chairman of the House Natural Resources Committee, is cautiously optimistic:
Based on the Obama Administration’s track record in this area, I’m taking a ‘trust but verify’ approach to their actions. The Administration only set aside its unilateral attempt to establish de facto wilderness with the Wild Lands Secretarial Order after Congress blocked its funding, and Secretary Salazar has not actually rescinded the Wild Lands order. We also shouldn’t forget the leaked documents showing internal Interior Department plotting of possible new unilateral national monument designations. Secretary Salazar and the Obama Administration need to prove they’re serious about listening to local communities and their elected leaders – just pretending to listen while calculating unilateral Presidential dictates that could significantly impede job-creating economic activities is not acceptable.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
This is exactly what I expected. They got caught so they took a step backwards only to take two forward in another direction. I am still waiting to hear from Juan Palma on things discussed Sept. 2010 and Jan. 2011 and reminded him in March and May. I also sent an email to Hatch and Chaffetz asking for help in May but no word from them either.

By the way does anyone know what has happened to Amy Joi O'Donoghue that wrote all the pro suwa articles for Des News? Was she furnishing articles from suwa or did she work as a Des News or free lance writer?