Save Arch Canyon


Tin Foil Hat Equipped
(KSL News) - Off-roaders in San Juan County this weekend for the Jeep Jamboree drove through mud and protesters in Arch Canyon. The protesters are upset that motorized vehicles are allowed in the canyon and could damage tribal artifacts found there.

Organizers of the Jeep Jamboree and the 60 drivers participating say they stay on designated trails and are respectful of wildlife.

Mark Smith organizer of the Jeep Jamboree, said, "It's a public road. It's open for everyone to use. This B.S. that the only way to get up here is hiking is not so. This land is everybody's land."

Protester Veronica Eagen said, "They're just really hard on this fragile, sensitive ecosystem."

Another protester, Joyce Cramer, said, "Such vehicles are going to change it and be a detriment to it all."

Those off-roaders do have permits. In fact, the Bureau of Land Management just approved permits for a pair of off-highway vehicle events in Arch Canyon, including this Jeep Jamboree.