School me on JK's

Punchline: the 3.6L makes more torque at 1800 rpm than the 4.0L did anywhere throughout its rev range... and, if you were curious, the 4.0L didn't make peak torque until 3200 rpm.

A lot of wheeling gets done in the 500-1000 RPM range. Do the new engines make more torque down in that most important off-idle range?
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Try in the JK section. Dont quote me on this but I believe there is a bad year to buy (engines gernading) I think its '08 but not sure. Ive read about someones engine that spun a bearing at only 8K milage and saw a few more.
The 3.8 is actually quite reliable. I wouldnt hesitate to jump in mine and drive it across country. I have 3 times already. With 37s. Buddy of mine has 158k on his and has never had a problem. He just takes care of it.
Gears make the 3.8 bearable. Best thing you can do for it with bigger tires.
Lots of guys I wheel with had more problems out of the 12+ motors.
But you never know you might get lucky.