Shops in Logan?

Paul R

Well-Known Member
Any sugestions for a shop in Logan? I need someone who is priced reasonably and preferably knows toyotas and stands behind their work. It would be really convienient for me to find somewhere local... If you know of anyone please let me know. If I don't hear of much up here I will just schedule it in SLC.
I think I am going to need a clutch soon in the Tacoma, and perhaps while it is in the shop go for a water pump and timing belt.

Thanks! :)


Vanilla Gorilla
The clutch is a pretty easy DIY. I've done a couple of toyotas, a V6 late model 4-runner and a tacoma...both were tight to get to the top bellhousing bolts but both were relatively easy jobs. Basic handtools and that cheap-o harbor freight tranny jack will do the trick!