Skidplate/ boatside thickness question

for anyone else looking into some sheet. prices for 4'x8' sheet from Wasatch.
1/8"=$125.76(they actually only had 11ga sheet)
is that new or outside stuff? that seems expensive

for anyone else looking into some sheet. prices for 4'x8' sheet from Wasatch.
1/8"=$125.76(they actually only had 11ga sheet)
I would imagine new. I just called wasatch steel and asked for a quote over the phone.

yeah, unless you specify it will be the new stuff. i wonder what a sheet of the outside stuff is priced. every once and a while the outside stuff isn't rusty and it's cheap
I make poly urethane plastics and im not sure what durometer the uhmw is but i think if you went with 5/8s thick and braced it by bolting angle iron to it and then welding it too the frame it would be very stout. we made a large 3 foot wide oil pipe coupler that actually wore out the pipe it was so hard and the coupler was plastic

Yeah, but I bet you're getting pretty close in weight to 1/8" skinned with 1/4"-3/8" UHMW when using 5/8" sheets of UHMW....
I can see holes as something for the rocks to catch on if you are sliding on them.

But the rainbows and unicorns, well thats just unique!
Give your 3/8" sheet to carl to make walking targets. After he has cut 186 targets you will have a really light skid plate. Win-Win!

Or, sell the walking targets and buy a sheet of 1/8" AR plate for skidness.
Give your 3/8" sheet to carl to make walking targets. After he has cut 186 targets you will have a really light skid plate. Win-Win!

Or, sell the walking targets and buy a sheet of 1/8" AR plate for skidness.

walking targets is a pretty good idea. I can only shoot so many targets at a time though. I have 5 20"x48" plates of the stuff.
for anyone else looking into some sheet. prices for 4'x8' sheet from Wasatch.
1/8"=$125.76(they actually only had 11ga sheet)

That is way too expensive i just bought a 4 foot by 5 foot 3/16 plate and it only cost me 96 bucks:eek2: Got it from Bowmen and kemp up here in ogden
That is the single piece quote too. The have price cuts the more you order. Starting at 2 and 4.
I used 3/16 on my boatsides.I used 6 1.5"x1/8" square tube braces welded to the frame.I used 12" wide flat stock.It's way cheaper then a big piece of plate.Been awhile,but IIRC like $35 for enough to do both sides plus lengthened behind the seats 9".




This was a HARD hit and only scratched the paint.
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@Cheepin: I hope you don't mind if I steel key aspects of your design... Because I am going to! I might have to use some lightly more stout materials on mine though because my rig is going to be tipping the scales right around 10,000+ lbs :-)
With that said, I see that you used the 1/8" square tube, and plated with the 3/16"... Do you ever regret going with that material, or do you feel you should have used thicker/thinner materials? I totally understand the 3/16" plate, but I would have thought that you might need at least the same thickness in the support pieces. About how much does your rig weigh??
Thanks and keep up the good work!
- Matt