SLC: The next great vegan city

Absolutely there are more fat meat eaters than vegans/vegetarians, but that is just population based. Unfortunately people seem to be predisposed to a sedentary lifestyle, so they don't burn nearly as many calories as they should. As far as how much protein is necessary, that depends on how much lean muscle you have and how active you are. Certainly Brock Lesnar can justify the 300 grams of protein he takes in daily because he's a 300+ lb mountain of a man who trains 4-6 hours per day. The common 200 lb guy with 150 lbs of lean weight that doesn't do anything besides go to work can probably get away with much less--like 50 grams--but that doesn't mean they are going to be healthy.

Unlike chimpanzee's and other primates that we are genetically similar too, we now live a more stationary lifestyle. We don't have to run and climb 24 hours per day to feed ourselves and escape from larger carnivores. Besides, chimps are our closest relatives and they do hunt meat (other smaller primates, squirrels, etc), and even with that I'm not entirely sure any comparison to the diet of a wild animal and that of a modern human is very fair.

if I spent my life climbing trees and instead of typing, I would be far more muscular as well.

My point is, if we were supposed to have been just like them and evolved, at some point we went from vegetarians to meat eaters as we left the tropics and moved to colder climates. If musculature is the gauge of healthy, humans actually devolved as they moved away from plant based diets. If a modern man were to spend his life as a mountain gorilla, the gorilla could still kick his ass in a fight. If the gorilla spent his life on the couch, he's still going to kick the modern man's ass in a fight.
My point is, if we were supposed to have been just like them and evolved, at some point we went from vegetarians to meat eaters as we left the tropics and moved to colder climates. If musculature is the gauge of healthy, humans actually devolved as they moved away from plant based diets. If a modern man were to spend his life as a mountain gorilla, the gorilla could still kick his ass in a fight. If the gorilla spent his life on the couch, he's still going to kick the modern man's ass in a fight.

Actually we were hunter/gatherers until we started farming and that is when we also started larger communities and a more sedentary life. True Vegans need to supplement their diet to get things like protein and even fat that they will not get from veggies alone.
My point is, if we were supposed to have been just like them and evolved, at some point we went from vegetarians to meat eaters as we left the tropics and moved to colder climates. If musculature is the gauge of healthy, humans actually devolved as they moved away from plant based diets. If a modern man were to spend his life as a mountain gorilla, the gorilla could still kick his ass in a fight. If the gorilla spent his life on the couch, he's still going to kick the modern man's ass in a fight.

nope, Humans would kick a gorillas butt in a fight, humans have evolved much of their increased protein intake into a big brain. We would use a helicopter and a hand grenade or a big gun from far away. Way more gorillas lose to humans every year in a fight. To the point that we have to protect them.

Our closest relative is the Bonobo. Not a huge muscular beast, but a quick thinking problem solving animal that solves all problems with intercourse. Pretty cool animals:D.

As far as the vegans are soft idea. Being soft and being healthy can coexist. Just like being muscles and being unhealthy can happen in the same individual. Health is related to but not only gauged by fat percentage. Humans eat way more meat than they need to, myself included. I feel the best when I limit, but not eliminate, my meat intake and focus on eating more veggies and fruits.

I agree with Cody about the amount of protein needed if the individual is pushing themselves to need muscle growth and or recovery. When I was training for the adventure race I hit a sever plateau and couldn't figure out why. I realized I was so worried about eating lean I forgot to ingest enough proteins and iron. I added a steak a week to my diet and broke the plateau and felt much better. I might have ben able to do that with a carefully planned out bunch of plants, but meh.
My point is, if we were supposed to have been just like them and evolved, at some point we went from vegetarians to meat eaters as we left the tropics and moved to colder climates. If musculature is the gauge of healthy, humans actually devolved as they moved away from plant based diets. If a modern man were to spend his life as a mountain gorilla, the gorilla could still kick his ass in a fight. If the gorilla spent his life on the couch, he's still going to kick the modern man's ass in a fight.

Part of the driving force behind our evolution was higher level of protein content in our diets. I feel like this is anthropology 000001 lol. Unless you believe in like, a rib bone type theory, in which case all bets are off ;)
I know three things:

1. I really like meat
2. vegetables are good too
3. I don't want to have a problem with Mesha, he might solve it and I am just not into that :laughing
There is no problem with people choosing what they eat. To me there is no problem in sharing info but don't force me to follow your beliefs. The fact is the body needs certain items to function (properly) and you'll have to modify your intake depending on what lifestyle you want to follow. Just like a car you can put in crappy gas but at some point in time there will have to be work done to make it function as it was new. The human body is the same, common sense. Time is the key for the results of what we intake. Pay for it now or pay for it later.

Problem with today's meat or even processed foods is just that, its processed for mass consumption and to make money. Its not to make people happy, fat or skinny or even healthy. Its done to make money. Even Whole Foods LINK has recently lowered their standards on what their definition of organic means. GMO Link

Ive been a meat eater for all my life but about 5 years ago the wife became a vegetarian. When we go out I usually get a steak or burger or some other nummylicious thing but as time goes on my desire for this has weened.
Anyway, take a look at this article that was posted recently
LINK. Remember this word.. moderation.

There is some truth about monitoring what you put in your body. You cant expect to eat garbage and have a long fruitful life. Well I suppose the caveat is that you want a fruitful long life.

I guess while I'm talking about eating "products" to be healthy, one should also look at other items of concern, salt, sugar (modified and non modified versions) and other modified products for general consumption or for use of ingredients of processed foods.

For those that are interested and have Netflix there are a lot of good documentaries on this subject. Viewer beware as there is a lot of hippy/leftist ideas. So put on your bullshit bypass goggles and sift through that crap to seek potentially healthier choices or even probe the thinking cap of changing a lifestyle.

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I hate unclean pigs. I hate that their filthy digestive tracks are used to make enzymes that keep my son alive, he has Cystic Fibrosis. Stupid pigs. Pigs are more closely related to humans than most people know. They use pigs in a large number of medical studies and trials because of their similarity to humans anatomically and pysiologically.
I hate unclean pigs. I hate that their filthy digestive tracks are used to make enzymes that keep my son alive, he has Cystic Fibrosis. Stupid pigs. Pigs are more closely related to humans than most people know. They use pigs in a large number of medical studies and trials because of their similarity to humans anatomically and pysiologically.

That's why GM used them instead of crash test dummies in the late 80's/early 90's. They would strap them in and ram them into walls then cut them open to see the extent of injury. As far as them being unclean animals, I don't make the rules, I just do my best to follow them.
I eat meat occasionally and enjoy it, but meat is not part of my everyday diet. I think a vegi diet is absolutely more healthy....

The theory that one cannot get enough protein in a meatless diet is really unfounded. There are many, many high protein meatless food options. I think mature soy beans have more protein per gram than beef. It may not taste as good but there are options out there.

I just hate the labeling. If I chose to be vegan, I would not go around advertising it and trying to push my ideas on others. I would just not eat animal products and go about my business.
Cooking cheeseburgers for my wife and myself tonight!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Good stuff! Can't wait to sink my teeth into one. But we will also have strawberries and a salad. Love meat! My dad was a Nebraska rancher. Ate prime stuff! Ate a lot of wild game too in my younger days. Balance. Eat a balanced diet.