Snakes Oct 9th

Well I screwed myself digging to deep into the buggy so I'm going to have to wait for the part store to open and fix it before I can head out. Hopefully I run into you guys later in the day.
I just remembered that my truck isn't registered. I hope I can register it before tomorrow, otherwise I'm not going to be able to take the '81. I may have to take the taco.
Allright, just got it registered. I love Allstate. I can call at 1am and register my truck. So I'll be there with it tomorrow. See you bright and early at 8.
It was a much smaller turnout than I had expected, but we had a blast. I didn't take many pictures. I know tyler has a couple.





We had fun, sorry we had to kind of bail out early. I had to finish putting our Civic back together and we wanted to go see the Utah game so I was in a little bit of a hurry.

If we didn't already have a Cherokee to build up we would do a Toy, they are just so dang light.

87 Bronco