So do you support Arizona?


Well-Known Member




:mad: I hope they ship back every illegal and anchor baby back to Mexico.


Jack - KC6NAR
Supporting Member
Riverton, UT
Do not let these pictures cause you to lose sight of the real problem which is the federal government which we elect each year. I do not care what party they are in if they are not doing the job vote for a new person even if it is not the party you believe is correct most of the time. Incumbent professional politicians have too much power and they need to be made humble because power corrupts as we have been told many times. It is another way of saying get rid of closed shop unions, incumbents and tenure. Then we can start on the bureaucracy that tends to take over and run the show. They all need to be made accountable. Bring back the freedom to fail.

Dirty Harry

Harry Situations
Wendover, NV
Personally I find the timing of the whole thing to be a bit too convenient. When Arizona had a economy that was growing due to a construction boom that relies largely on undocumented labor they seemed to look the other way. But now that their economy is in the tank, from my perspective it looks like they are looking for an easy scapegoat.

My preference would be to actually fix the immigration laws in our country to allow people who want to come here and work hard a way to do so without having to break laws.


sugar house
I work with a %100 legal immigrant from Mexico who is also %100 in support of Arizona, he didn't work his @$$ off to get here legally so that others could hop the boarder and take his job. he also wears a hat every day that has the united states flag on it. Why do these people think that by destroying this country flag, the people of this country will welcome them in? I support LEGAL immigration


Limited Supply Of Sanity
So, what I am wondering is why illegal immigrants feel they have the right to protest and riot in our country about something that they need to be a legal citizen to protest about anyways?
I guess what I am getting at, is do you have to be a legal citizen of our country to protest? I mean I would understand if they were legal and protesting unfair treatment by their fellow lawmakers or citizens, but come on.
I doubt this is making any sense. lol


Sandy, Ut
So, what I am wondering is why illegal immigrants feel they have the right to protest and riot in our country about something that they need to be a legal citizen to protest about anyways?
I guess what I am getting at, is do you have to be a legal citizen of our country to protest? I mean I would understand if they were legal and protesting unfair treatment by their fellow lawmakers or citizens, but come on.
I doubt this is making any sense. lol

Makes perfect sense to me :p

Sadly this country has slid into giving more rights to non-citizens then citizens themselves.


Well-Known Member
But now that their economy is in the tank, from my perspective it looks like they are looking for an easy scapegoat.
Scapegoat for what exactly???
My preference would be to actually fix the immigration laws in our country to allow people who want to come here and work hard a way to do so without having to break laws.

There are ways to become a legal citizen, there are even ways to come here to work legally but not be a citizen. My sis-in-law is not a citizen but is here legally. Becoming a citizen is not something that happens overnight, nor should it...but there are ways to be here legally.


Thats what she said
I hate it when people try to bring religion into these things.

opps wrong thread :confused:

So, what I am wondering is why illegal immigrants feel they have the right to protest and riot in our country about something that they need to be a legal citizen to protest about anyways?
I guess what I am getting at, is do you have to be a legal citizen of our country to protest? I mean I would understand if they were legal and protesting unfair treatment by their fellow lawmakers or citizens, but come on.
I doubt this is making any sense. lol


Makes perfect sense to me :p

Sadly this country has slid into giving more rights to non-citizens then citizens themselves.
