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There's always been weird/odd kids, EVEN back in my day when Air Jordans were cool and 501 Shrink-to-Fit were THE thing (at least in my backwater high school). Parachute pants, Flock of Seagull hairdo's, "stoner"/"rocker" folks or punk rock folks and such were the "thing" at that time. I don't see many folks sporting Flock of Seagull hairdos or even older folks than me running around a "greaser" or "beta". The goth thing was interesting to watch and it didn't make sense to me.
(how did you make that black? What kind of devilry is that!)
Yes, but the Jordan's and the Shrink to Fit's were what the "cool" kids were into. ..
It seems the "furry" is the new counter-culture if I'm following what you're saying? yes, this is just a counter culture thing. A very small minority. I think it's just a way for kids to try and get noticed. Instead of making fun of them, it might be worth thinking about the "why" they are so starved for attention. I'm also absolutely not saying that you were making fun of them directly (teasing how silly it is is one thing, making fun of a kid because they dress differently is another). Probably come from homes where their parents are too busy or too overwhelmed or too indifferent to give them the attention they need. Or, maybe the parents are just weirdo's too. But, I'd have to think in most cases it's not the kid's fault that they are acting out like that. I suspect they all grow up and go to Comicon or some shit.
I think we're kind of talking along the same lines with the "life skills" thing? There were a NUMBER of kids at my high school that were "done" with school after the 12th grade. Life along with some skills they learned in school (both taught in class or taught socially) is learning and preparing for real life from where I stand. Maybe you disagree?
Ya, I highly doubt we're very far off. I always laugh under my breath at people that were done with school at 12th grade, and try to wear this badge on their ego that they aren't book smart, but street smart. No homie, you're probably book dumb and street dumb lol. Being dumb tends to bleed into everything else too. There certainly are people that are educated morons, and folks that are uneducated and very smart, but sucking at school doesn't make someone automatically street smart. What were we talking about again...
I'd also differ on taught skills in school being doing taxes, balancing a checkbook, basic financial investing or other financial literacy things being a waste of school dollars. I don't know that those things are taught and if they are, I don't know that they are taught well.
I don't know. I think I was taught how to balance a check register in a business class. I've literally NEVER done it once in my life. Is that really a thing people do? I also feel like you learn that math somewhere between 3 and 4th grade, so if you're an adult and you're so inclined, you should be able to sit down and figure out how to balance a checkbook right before faxing it to yourself over a 14.4 kbps modem. Should we teach them how to fax for that matter? Does anyone really do their taxes themselves? This also a hot take, but I think the "basics" of financial investing that could be taught and comprehended by a HS student who has never had a real job, money, or bills are probably just as likely to create a successful investor as gym class is to make them a professional basketball player. They would just as well be into sports betting. I was the Business and Marketing Sterling Scholar for the state, and the State President of FBLA, so I feel like I exposed myself to everything that was available in the HS business curriculum, none of which would have made me any more successful at financial investing than a monkey c-walking on a keyboard coming out of HS.
Those are valuable skills and my 34 year old kid does not have those. I'm hoping he's learned enough through struggling through life that he'll listen to his mom and myself while he goes through what he's going through. (he got a raw deal at a religious school that has an accreditation problem--not his fault but he's been mad at the world since he graduated--he's finally coming around, I think?)
I do agree that school should teach you "basic shit" and how to learn. Some kids in the trade programs might actually get "life skills". Some folks are just getting a diploma and grabbing another 4-12 years of school/training. Just depends on the kid and the situation.
I think that's the nail on the head. Depends on the kid and the situation. I think those are thing you have to want to learn and a lot of people may never get to the point where they understand the value of that information. Trying to explain EBITDA or how to read a balance sheet to a kid that 100% believes they'll never use basic algebra in life, is not going to get very far. Some kids might be interested in that, but trying to teach all kids those things seems wasteful? That's what the extracurricular organizations are great for (FBLA, DECA, JA, FFA etc) but unfortunately most of that stuff has been defunded here. Something to do with Utah being almost dead last in spending per student I suspect. Maybe we should teach our legislatures how to invest in our kids instead of worrying about how many bars there can be per number of citizens. Short answer, as many as can survive in a free market.
I think all of us can think of things that we were taught at some point, that we wish we had paid more attention to. It clicks earlier for some people, and maybe never at all for others. But the thing I try to teach my kids is that I've never once met someone in life that wishes they tried less hard at school. Literally nobody wishes they had learned less. So learn everything you possibly can while it's your one job in life.....and don't be an asshole. (I fully see the irony in that)